Page 8 of Married in Name Only
The murderer needed to be found, and Sterling needed to secure his position at the club and find the truth about Roarke. There was too much to do and he had run out of patience.
* * *
Lucas didn’t even try to hide the smile as he waited for the penthouse elevator to slide open the next morning. The security guard for his building had already notified Lucas of the petite blonde heading his way...and according to Nyle, she didn’t look too happy.
All the more reason for him to celebrate. If Paisley was here and in a bad mood, that could only mean one thing. Wedding bells would be ringing soon.
Lucas hooked his thumbs on his belt loops and whistled. “Here Comes the Bride” seemed appropriate, but there was no need to completely piss her off so he went with an old country song instead.
The door whooshed open and Paisley stepped into his penthouse. That narrowed gaze and set jaw said more than any words could. Yes, definitely not the time for “Here Comes the Bride.”
“Beautiful morning for a visit,” he called out to her.
Paisley shot him a glare and Lucas bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. He hadn’t been out at all, but the sunshine beamed through his wall of windows.
“Stop looking so damn smug,” she stated, marching farther into his penthouse. “This is not going to go the way you think.”
As she brushed past him as if she had every right to barge into his home, Lucas chuckled. Oh, he had every intention of getting exactly what he wanted—Paisley in his bed and her having his child. That didn’t seem like a high price to pay for all he would be doing for her.
Lucas spun on his heel and followed those swaying hips into the living area.
“First of all,” she started, spinning around with her finger pointed right at him like a dagger, “we will get married, but make no mistake, this isn’t some happy-ever-after. Don’t think that I love you or I have some fantasy that this will be some fairy tale.”
Love and fairy tale? No, none of that had entered his mind. What did love have to do with marriage? Thankfully, she knew exactly what this was and wasn’t.
Well, there was one thing she didn’t know, but he’d save the heir talk for a bit later. He had her here now and he needed to keep her since he was making headway.
“Any other stipulations?” he asked her.
Lucas felt it best to just let her think she called the shots. So long as he got what he wanted out of the deal, he didn’t care what she thought.
He wanted a child of his own and justice against Sterling Perry. And Paisley could give him both.
“I want a prenup and everything we agree on in writing,” she added. “There will be no surprises at the end of our marriage and my business will not suffer.”
Lucas couldn’t help but admire her for putting their past, and her emotions, aside to keep her dream alive. He had his own dreams, but they were quite different from hers.
“What brought you here now?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leveling her gaze.
“There was a...minor setback at the boutique.” She fidgeted with the strap of her bag resting on her forearm. “I just realized that I can’t do it alone and as much as I hate being here, I’m not going to let my business fall simply because my pride got in the way.”
Another notch up on the scale of admiration. Maybe she had changed from the girl who had been too afraid to face their difficulties head-on.
Regardless, they were different people now and nothing about their past played a role in this situation. He wasn’t the same naive boy he was back then, young and in love—or what he thought was love. Lucas had a lucrative business and while he might not believe in love in the terms of marriage, he did believe in love of family and he wanted one of his own. He wanted to have that security of passing a legacy down to his children.
Lucas dropped his hands to his sides and closed the space between them. As he grew closer, Paisley tipped her head back to stare up at him and that perfect mix of colors in her eyes never failed to punch him in the gut with lust.
Lust he could handle; in fact, he welcomed it. Having Paisely again wouldn’t be a hardship.
“Just so I have everything clear for my attorney to draw up the proper papers, you want me to make sure your business is set to continue to prosper, you need me to find out the truth about your father and you want all of this to have an expiration date.”