Page 15 of To Tame a Cowboy
Her eyes locked on to his, silence enveloped them, and the only noise cutting through the room was the faint ticking of the fan as it rotated.
“Ryan...” she began. “What you need is more rest because you’re obviously delusional if you think we can be anything more than friends. Get that thought out of your head.”
“Fine.” For now. “What are your plans today?”
“I want to visit Alex, but at some point I need to run by the clubhouse. I’m supposed to replace the medical equipment in the day-care facility, but I need to see how bad the damage is. Some may be reparable.”
The fact that some jerk had vandalized the Texas Cattleman’s Club’s new day-care facility because they didn’t want women or children around was absurd. It just proved a narrow mind was behind last month’s break-in.
“Need me to come along?” he offered.
“No, but you’re more than welcome to come to the hospital with me if you’ll put your Romeo moves on the back burner.”
Ryan mock bowed. “Your wish is my command.”
She twirled around and headed down the hall. In no time her door shut and he assumed she was putting clothes on. Shame that.
Ryan ran a hand down his stubbled face and grinned. There was no way he could get the thought of her and him beyond friends out of his head. He’d just gotten cozy with the idea, and the prospect of seducing his best friend was growing more and more appealing by the minute.
Especially since she’d pretty much thrown down the gauntlet. She should know him better than that. Didn’t he always accept a challenge?
Ryan laughed to the empty kitchen. Retiring from the circuit and moving back to Royal was the best move he ever made.
Piper drove her truck to the hospital, with her passenger pouting the whole way over the fact she’d refused his offer of money or help with her renovations.
First of all, she’d already told him no. She was more than capable of building her house with her own two talented hands and her meager savings. Yes, it would take longer, but the satisfaction she got in the end from knowing she’d done it herself would be well worth the tears, sweat and sad bank account.
Second, how in the world could she concentrate on anything when Ryan had looked at her in a whole new light last night? She’d tried to play it off, even joke about the concussion, but Piper wasn’t naive or stupid. Ryan was developing feelings for her that she wasn’t ready for and might never be.
Okay, so maybe he wasn’t just pouting about the money.
And yes, at one time she’d wondered what-if... But the fear of losing him as a friend had overridden any lustful feelings she’d conjured.
He’d looked so damn sexy lying in her guest bed with his chest bare and the tattoos showing along his side, his pecs and one arm. Ryan Grant was truly a work of art and she might have taken her time in running her fingertips along his well-defined muscles.
“Do you think he’s regained any memories?” Ryan asked as they pulled into the parking lot at Royal Memorial Hospital.
“I hope, but there’s really no way of knowing.” She found a spot surprisingly close to the front doors. “With his scans showing both old and new head injuries, we have no idea just what the hell he endured during those months he was missing.”
Ryan sighed. “Hopefully he’ll remember soon, not only for his own sanity, but for Cara and Chance.”
“I know. I hope when Alex recalls what happened, that those who accused Chance of having anything to do with this come crawling to him for forgiveness.”
Piper hopped out of her truck. The mere thought of Chance McDaniel, Alex’s good friend, having anything to do with his disappearance was least to her it was. Just because Chance and Cara used to date was no reason for Chance to try taking Alex out of the picture permanently.
Chance was an upstanding citizen, and he might still have feelings for Cara, but the man was honorable and loyal. No way would he have had Alex kidnapped.
Piper and Ryan moved through the hospital’s double doors as they whooshed open. Silently they rode the elevator together and headed toward Alex’s room. Tension was going to be high whether his memory was back or not. So many people were waiting on answers and watching him closely for any sign of recognition.
When they rounded the corner, Piper saw Cara at the end of the long, stark white hallway on her cell and dabbing at the corners of her eyes with a tissue.