Page 28 of To Tame a Cowboy
Ryan came to his feet, rested his hands on his hips and stared out at the full moon that lit up the night. “You know I’ve never left you. Ever. I’ve never deserted you when you needed it. And I never intend to.”
Piper sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just in a mood today. Between this house and my back being sore, I’m just a mess.”
He glanced over his shoulder, throwing her one of his sexiest smiles and, like every other woman on the receiving end of that seductive grin, her insides quivered and she couldn’t help but smile back.
“You’re not a mess. You’re allowed to be bitter about your father.”
“True, but I shouldn’t take it out on you.” Piper slowed the swing and came to her feet, crossing to stand beside Ryan. She slid an arm around his waist and leaned against his strength. “I know there’s nothing about the two of you that’s comparable. You’re loyal, honest and dependable.”
Ryan’s soft chuckle vibrated against her, so not helping her current state of battling just how sexy her best friend was and how her growing attraction was scaring the hell out of her.
“You’ve described the perfect dog,” he replied, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
“You know what I mean.” She swatted his rock-hard stomach. “You’re the one person I can always depend on. What we have is much stronger than family or most marriages, even.”
“Which is why we are a perfect fit.”
“Are you back to sex again?”
Ryan turned her toward him and grinned. “I’m a guy. Everything is about sex.”
Piper laughed. “Well, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but not too many guys do the whole sex chat around me.”
Ryan’s arms cupped her shoulders through her flannel shirt. “That’s their loss. I not only know what you wear beneath this heavy shirt, I also know what’s inside you. Any man who doesn’t appreciate what you have is a complete fool.”
Piper studied his face. Nothing about those heavy-lidded eyes or that perfectly shaped mouth indicated he was teasing or joking.
“Then I must’ve dated fools,” she murmured. “And how did we get on the topic of my sex life?”
Ryan brushed her lips with his. “Because I want to be part of it.”
Piper gasped as Ryan turned that nipping playfulness into full-fledged attack. His hands slid down to her denim-covered rear and pulled her against him. Mercy, he was already aroused.
He started walking back toward the chaise. Piper had no choice but to follow. Well, she had a choice. She could either follow him or break this amazing kiss that had her lighting up on the inside. There was no way in hell she was going to stop this staggering assault on her senses.
Without breaking the kiss, Ryan eased onto the chaise, bringing Piper down to straddle his lap. His hands slid to her waist, holding her steady as she adjusted to the new arrangement.
The intimacy of this pose was not lost on her. She could feel him between her thighs as his hard torso pressed against her. His mouth continued claiming hers as his hands moved up her back, beneath her flannel.
She was so glad she’d grabbed a shower after he’d stopped by. She may not have fixed her hair nor done anything above and beyond, but she was out of yesterday’s clothes and she was clean.
“Ryan,” she panted against his mouth, “what are we doing?”
“Making out.” He kissed along her jaw, down her throat and moved his hands from beneath her shirt to start working on her buttons. “Don’t worry, I won’t let this get out of control.”
Piper would’ve laughed, but his talented hands were moving inside her shirt to her aching breasts. Out of control? They’d both let this get out of control the moment they made the conscious decision to kiss and stroke each other.
And making out at nearly the age of thirty sounded so...pathetic. Surely there was another word that didn’t sound so juvenile.
But even if they’d gotten out of control, she didn’t care because her body had taken over and she had no clue what rational thought was anymore.
There was no way in hell they could turn back now, but this intimacy between them was moving faster than she was comfortable with. Even though they’d been dancing around this topic for days, she still saw him as her best friend and she wouldn’t give up that friendship for a quick roll in the sack.
His tongue traced the edge of her bra. Okay, so she was quite comfortable with that and maybe their trip in the sack wouldn’t be so quick. The man certainly was taking his time in driving her insane with desire.