Page 11 of Tailwind (Love By Design 4)
“Of course not.”
“It’s a routine vaccination so just watch the i
njection site for any unexpected swelling or if she shows signs of unusual behavior. She’ll be back to barking and jumping as usual.”
“Okay, thanks.” I took Bailey’s leash from him and his hand lingered over mine, forcing me to look up into his face. Pausing, I checked out the fine sculpted features and his broad chest emphasized under the white lab coat he wore. His name was embroidered over his chest, and I had a weird fascination to trace it with my fingernail looping over each cursive letter. It seemed criminal a man this beautiful was living up here in the middle of nowhere when I would be leaving in a few weeks. I mean, who would appreciate his hotness the way I could?
“So I’ll see you next week?” His voice broke the silence, and I snapped myself back to the reality of the sterile office.
“Uh?” Houston, we have a problem. My brain knew I was bringing Pumpkin back for his acupuncture, but the words didn’t connect to my mouth as I watched his own lips speaking. What the hell was wrong with me? I was acting like a lovesick girl with a guy I didn’t even know.
“Pumpkin’s acupuncture,” he repeated.
“Oh, of course.” I tried laughing it off, but typical Winnie, it came out as awkward and forced.
“Actually, I was kind of hoping to see you before then.”
“Really?” If there was a mouse in the room, I think I stepped on it squeaking.
“Don’t look so surprised.”
Chuckling to hide my discomfort, I was wondering if he was asking me out. Oh, please, let that be the case. My radar was off lately, and I wasn’t in the mood to work very hard at this dating thing. Especially not with my mom’s ultimatum of get your shit in order.
“What did you have in mind, Chase?” There was one movie theater in town that featured a double movie, but I saw potential in a few of the restaurants considering this was a college town nestled between mountain ranges ice ages old.
He raked a hand through his hair leaving me stupidly mesmerized. “I have a Fourth of July barbeque to attend, and I was hoping you might like to accompany me.”
“Barbeque?” Good job. One-word sentence structure, he was definitely into me now.
“I’m hoping you’re not a vegan or something. The ribs will be fantastic.”
I looked at his chest and wondered what his ribs would look like. Damn it. Wandering brain strikes again.
“Oh, yeah, no, I like meat. Any kind of meat really.” I should have shut up while I had the chance. One-word responses were better than sexually charged innuendoes.
“Well, that’s great because there will be plenty of that.”
“Of what?”
“Meat. Because you like it.”
“Right, I like good meat.” Holy fucking awkward. Would it be rude to smack my own forehead?
“Okay then, I’ll pick you up on Saturday around noon? The address in the chart is yours?” He questioned and I nodded.
“Yes, my aunt’s house, where I live right now.” As opposed to the box under the bridge where my mother would like to dump all my personal affects since she was pissed at me.
Bailey started barking and pulling on the leash, jerking me out of the door and my mental haze. Thank God I left the other two at home.
“I’ll see you Saturday!” Chase watched me leave, and I bumped into the wall exiting the room. My shoulder and elbow stung, but Bailey kept pulling and off we went.
“Bye!” I called out and everyone in the office waved at me as I chased the dog out the door. My mortification was complete.