Page 17 of Tailwind (Love By Design 4)
“Do you think we should leave now, quit while we’re ahead?”
“Oh no, I’m committed to see this through,” I teased him, pulling him closer to me.
“Of course you are.” He moved back and we parried a little dance in the confined space.
“It wasn’t that bad, but did you really have to chase me around the backyard?”
“I don’t know, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“And now?”
“Well, I think we might need to dry our clothes a bit before we go back out there.”
“Hmm. It seems like you’re just trying to get another free peep show, Dr. Calloway?”
He mocked looking offended. “Me? I would never do such a thing.” He grabbed the towel around me and pulled me in close. “But I might do this if you’re agreeable.”
My heart fluttered and my body felt like the pressure in the small room changed as Chase got closer to me. His head leaned down and rose up until our lips met in a kiss that had me sinking deep against him. Chase tasted like sweetly carbonated beer and summer, and I wanted to get drunk off his lips.
“Is this okay, Winnie? Can I kiss you like this?” Oh my God, if he stopped I’d probably cry and pitch a fit.
“Are you going to try and take my dress off?” I whispered into his open mouth that was kissing and catching my lips between his.
“Probably, but only because I think we should put our stuff in the dryer.”
I snorted. “Likely story.”
“That’s the one I’m sticking to.” Chase’s fingers crept down my sides and slowly gathered my wet dress up my body until I let go of the towel, dropping it on the floor.
He picked up the towel, wrapping me up and then dropped his shorts, and I mean ever
ything in one shot. He was too beautiful to be human. At least that was the last neural connection I had before I was stunned looking at him. “Oh!”
“Sorry, everything is soaked.” He was not the least bit bashful or apologetic. I bet Chase and Roswell were in cahoots in another life.
“I’ll say.” I fanned myself and tried to not think of my damp panties. Chase dropped everything inside the dryer and put it on air dry for twenty minutes. That didn’t seem like a long enough time to take care of business, but what did I know? Chase grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his waist, and then locked the door of the mud room from the inside.
“I should have done that first.” He laughed. “Just in case.”
“Mmmhhhmmm.” Was all I said when he picked me up, propping me on top of the dryer currently spinning under my ass with warm vibrations that teased me.
“Now, where was I?”
I pointed to my lips. “Somewhere around here, I think.”
“Oh yeah.” Chase went in, swooping down, taking my lips in another soul stealing kiss. My hands needed some place to go because I felt like I was about to fall back. I let go of the towel and grabbed onto his shoulders, letting my fingers tangle up in his hair. My nails scraped through his thick dark hair and pulled gently on the ends.
I should be shocked hooking up in a mud room of all places, but all I could do was concentrate on the feel of Chase against me and in my hands. His own hands traveled around my body, making stops to trace my spine, tickling me first. He gently pried my legs apart and stepped between them, pulling me close to the edge of the dryer. He didn’t rub all over me, but instead treaded lightly, grazing my skin. One hand stayed planted on my hip, his finger stroking under the elastic band of the silk panties I was wearing. The other hand went back to my side and his thumb traveled north to stroke against my side boob, teasing me. I wiggled, trying to get his finger closer to my nipple because he was making me nuts.
“Chase.” Half whine, half groan, pure frustration, I didn’t know, but it was driven by this desire for more that he was not giving me.
“Shhh.” I’m wiggling to the end of the dryer’s ledge, ready to crawl over him, but all I got was a hip and his side when I tried wrapping my legs around him. I was about as close to a bitch in heat the way he was teasing me and tears pricked my eyes because it felt so good I didn’t want him to stop.
Deflated, the buzzer of the dryer dinged, sending zings of vibrations straight to my center when he reached behind me to shut it off while kissing me senseless. It was enough to push me just over the tip of the edge, but not enough to sate the desire he built kissing me. I was breathing heavy pants and sank against his shoulder, weak and angry.
“I hate you,” I mumbled against his neck as those damn fingers slowly petted me back down to a reasonable level of sanity.
“Ah, Winnie. I know how you feel.”