Page 37 of Tailwind (Love By Design 4)
“And the plumber?”
“Damian? He’s not so bad.” I explained in brief cliff notes how that mess came to be. Winnie nodded her head agreeing.
“Maybe it’ll work out for her.”
“Maybe.” I said unconvinced when I pulled up to the house.
Kristen’s car pulled up right behind me blocking me in. Damn. She was going to make getting out of here tonight a real trial.
“What’s up Romeo?” Kristen called from the driver’s side getting out of the car.
“I’d call you Juliet but that somehow seems too weird and morose.”
“I was going to go with incestuous, but okay.” Kristen drawled.
Winnie leaned in to me whispering, “More like Taming of The Shrew?”
I barked out loud before kissing Winnie soundly in the driveway for all to see.
“You’re lucky I like you so much.” Kristen tapped my shoulder and sauntered into the house.
“She’s not so bad.” Winnie quipped shrugging. She had no idea how bad my sister could be. I said a silent prayer that everything would turn out alright.
On a sigh I said, “Win, let’s survive dinner and see how you feel after.”
“Okay, lead the way, Doctor.” She followed Kristen and I growled giving chase after her. It might be our last real laugh before the night was over and I enjoyed the tinkling sound of Win’s happy chortle.
I had to hand it to my mother for fixing the seating arrangements before we got there so she could have maximum proximity to Winnie. I was seated between my sister and my dad who had his eye on old college football game highlights of the prior season while the commentators discussed the fall predictions. I didn’t care who was playing and had no desire to speak with him. I’d given up on that ship long ago.
Mom handed out dishes and pestered Winnie in between.
“So, tell me what brings you to New Paltz for the summer?”
“Mom.” I grunted warning her off.
“Nonsense Chase. It’s an innocent question. She’s not attending the school here and she hasn’t set up shop anywhere that I know of and pet sitting isn’t a career with benefits.”
“It’s okay. I’m actually taking a break so I can figure out what I want to do. I agreed to watch my aunt’s house and her pets while she’s traveling for an extended period of time.” Winnie sipped the wine mom poured and smiled. Dad remained silent.
“You know Chase did that between his injury and veterinary school.” Dad said non-pulsed between bites of meat and potatoes slathered in gravy.
I gripped my fork stabbing it into the meat. The meal was the best mom had served in a while, but her questions along with dad’s friendly demeanor soured the experience.
“Did he? I didn’t know.” Winnie leaned in and her curiosity would get her burned, it was only a matter of time before it happened.
“Yeah, could have gone pro if he had the surgery and rehabbed like he should have.” Dad shoved food in his mouth and my fork clanged to the plate annoyed. I was ready to leave about ten minutes before the food had been served, but this was bullshit. I didn’t enjoy being questioned and having my integrity as a man called into question. I had been seriously injured with limited options for recovery and football had never been my passion to begin with. It had been his and I was mere the vessel which he lived vicariously through until I stopped giving a shit and made my own choices.
“You know, dad…” I drawled and waited for the show to drop. This conversation had been a long time coming and if we needed to have it out here and now than I was balls deep because Winnie was going to either love me or hate me after this was over. Cards were all out on the table now.
“Chase did you book you flight for Vegas yet? The guys need
to know.”
I half turned snarling, “What?”
Kristen gulped her wine before starting in again, “Vegas. The co-bachelor party for Taylor and Hunter? It’s next weekend. I uh have to finish the room arrangements. Did you book your flight?” She enunciated each word like I was an idiot. I felt like one because time escaped me quicker than I realized.
“Vegas?” Winnie questioned and I knew I was fucked six ways to Sunday. I could have continued my confrontation with dad, but Kristen effectively nixed that while simultaneously bringing up the one thing I hadn’t yet mentioned to Winnie. I wasn’t sure until just now if we were a trip taking kind of thing yet. I wanted to be.