Page 11 of Rescue Me
“It would seem I rocked your world and didn’t get the opportunity to spank you, Ms. Rossi. Next time perhaps.” I hummed against her cheek and she rubbed against me like a little kitten looking for warmth.
“I just wanna snuggle. Can we snuggle?” She nuzzled even deeper into the bed and I hauled her up into my arms rubbing her limbs getting her blood pumping in areas other than the ones I had devoted so much attention to earlier.
“Of course you can as soon as you consume some calories. Come on.” I placed an open bottle of water to her lips letting her drink before lifting a piece of sliced fruit to her mouth. She munched on the apple letting a drop of juice escape her lips. I licked the droplet kissing her chin.
“Brandon.” My dick pulsed hearing my name on her kiss swollen pucker.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Maybe I want more than a snuggle.” She said into my neck nipping me suggestively.
“You can have whatever you want, the whole damn buffet.” I let her push me to my back mounting me. Her hands manipulated my cock to attention q
uickly gripping me tight and yanking up and down my twitching shaft. I handed her a condom which she deftly rolled over my thick cock that’s eager for her attention. She straddled me rocking back and forth before lifting up to take me again without any help from me. My hands rested behind my head enjoying the show she’s giving me with her breasts bouncing softly. Taught pink nipples point upward while her hands reached up lifting her messy hair before lowering back to my chest to give her more stability taking my dick faster now. It looked like I was more than willing to give up some of my control after all.
“Avari.” She wailed falling forward milking my dick deep inside her. I was eager to take her bare but that was for another night.
Tugging her under me, I resumed my position letting my hips piston toward a dizzy release.
We didn’t get around to the spanking that night, or the morning after. We didn’t even leave the bedroom until late the next day lounging until our stomachs could take no more meager fresh fruit and snacks. We didn’t answer our phones except to responsibly check them for messages that could wait. We stayed in our safe cocoon and when the silence stretched we listened to those vinyl records staring at the ceiling holding hands sharing childhood memories that made us laugh.
I’d tell you it was magical but that would make me sound like an asshole. Magic isn’t something a man of science buys into. What I could buy into was that Dana Rossi was the one my heart had been seeking, and having faith was something I could live with.
“What happens next?” Dana rolled to her stomach, her hands under her chin adorably while her bare legs scissored back and forth.
I pushed her wild hair back off her face. “We go to work tomorrow and afterward you come here and we do this again on repeat.”
“Not to sound like a broken record?” She teased.
“Hell no. I like you Dana Rossi. I more than like you and a little old lady with blue hair who loves burlesque expects me to ask you out.”
Her face crinkled in a smile remembering, “Ms. Geraldine?”
“Of course.” I was a man of my word and I was only too happy to fulfill this promise.
“How is that sweet lady?”
“She’s raising hell at the nursing home putting shows on several times a week. I hear the ticket sales pay for her casino trips in St. Charles.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint our matchmaker now would we?”
“Definitely not. Seriously though, this isn’t a one night thing for me. I see a lot more for us and I hope you do too.” My analytical brain was already planning far ahead and I clamped my mouth shut so I didn’t scare her into running in the opposite direction. I didn’t get through medical school without patience and I sure as hell could practice it here with Dana.
“I do see more. Might be weird at the hospital, though?”
“I think if we can handle our first date with a little bit of CPR, we’ll do just fine, Ms. Rossi.”
“Well, I’ve certainly learned when to let you take the lead, Dr. Avari.” She winked shrugging her shoulders.
“Do you now?” I rolled her over and assumed the dominant position as she laughed attempting weakly to escape my arms.
“Yeah, I can tell you need it.” Oh, little did she know her joking was about to get her in big trouble.
I growled, “About time for that spanking.” I hooked my arm under her hips raising her up. A few less than gentle swats left her moaning and wiggling her body against me for more. I could hardly turn her down and obliged the pretty paramedic making her ass bloom in a rosy shade that left her panting and me throbbing.
Some say fools rush in, but there was little point in Dana going back to her place when my heart knew she was home. We juggled the dating back and forth between our shifts for another month before it seemed a pointless exercise when I wanted her living with me. Not even her roommate Elsa was much of an obstacle and was only too happy to take over the apartment with her boyfriend.
I didn’t mind the mess she made of our closet. It just gave me ample reason to swat her behind when the opportunity presented itself… and it seemed she was more than eager to be a tad forgetful that we had several laundry hampers and drawers for her silky panties.