Page 69 of The Sheik and the Runaway Princess
Sabrina felt uncomfortable discussing her personal life in front of King Givon. She tried to retreat, but Cala’s grip on her arm was firm. When Cala and Sabrina were seated on the sofa, Cala took her hands and squeezed them gently.
“What happened?”
Givon sat in a club chair at right angles to the sofa. His concerned expression combined with Cala’s kindness was Sabrina’s undoing. She found herself stumbling over her story, starting with her father telling her that she was engaged to someone she’d never met and ending with Kardal’s admission he was her betrothed.
“He laughed at me,” she finished, barely able to keep from crying. “All the time I worried about him and loved him, and he was laughing at me. Plus he doesn’t love me at all. He thinks I’ll be a decent wife, but that’s not the same thing. He’s talking about the fact that I’ll be happy loving him. I guess that’s supposed to be my reward as his wife. Pleasure in service.”
She looked at Cala. “What did I do wrong? How can this have happened?”
Kardal’s mother sighed. “It seems I do no better in my relationships today than I did thirty years ago. I’m sorry, Sabrina. I knew who you were, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to interfere with my son’s life, but I see now that was a mistake.”
Sabrina tried not to feel even more stupid than she already did, but it was impossible. She started to rise to her feet.
“I see. I’m sorry I bothered you.”
“Don’t,” Cala implored. “Please, don’t run off. I feel terrible about what’s happened. I’m sorry my son is an idiot. I want to do what I can for you. I know you and Kardal have a lot in common. I think you would do well together.”
Great. Cala was offering a lifetime of companionship. Sabrina wanted love.
“Perhaps I can help,” Givon said, speaking for the first time.
Sabrina sniffed. “I don’t think anyone can. I don’t care if Kardal is willing to marry me. I won’t have him. He treated me as if my feelings were only there to be convenient for him. If he doesn’t love me back, I don’t want anything to do with him.”
Givon nodded. “I understand what you are saying. However, I have recently watched all three of my sons fall in love with wonderful women. Not one of them did it right. In fact they all came perilously close to losing the loves of their lives. Thirty-one years ago, I lost mine. So I have some experience in this matter. Kardal needs to learn what is important.”
Sabrina swallowed. “You know how to teach him that? Because I don’t.”
“I have a good idea.” He smiled. “Men often do not realize the importance of what they have until it is taken from them. With that in mind, I would very much like to offer you sanctuary from both your father and Kardal.”
She blinked. “You can do that?”
“Young lady, I am Givon, king of El Bahar. I can do anything I wish.”
Less than thirty minutes later Sabrina, Cala and several servants crossed toward Givon’s waiting helicopter. In addition to suitcases containing clothes, they carried with them several small trunks. Inside were the stolen artifacts Sabrina was determined to return to their rightful countries.
The helicopter blades circled lazily in the early-evening twilight, stirring up dust and the sweet scents of the desert.
“Princess, are you sure you want to do this?” Adiva asked, sounding worried and yelling to be heard over the engine. “The prince will miss you very much.”
“I hope you’re right,” Sabrina said as Cala kissed Givon goodbye and stepped onto the helicopter.
“What is going on here?”
At the shouted question, Sabrina glanced back and saw Kardal striding toward her. He’d changed into traditional garments and the front of his robe flapped with each step. He looked dark, angry and very dangerous. Sabrina thought about ducking into the helicopter, but instead she squared her shoulders. Kardal couldn’t hurt her any more than he already had.
“What are you doing?” he asked when he stopped in front of her.
Dust swirled around her, making her squint but she could still see the frown as Kardal planted his hands on his hips and stared down at her.
She wanted to scream with frustration. The man honestly didn’t know. When had he gotten so stupid?
“Because I fell in love with you and you played me for a fool. I was worried about you dying and you laughed at me. I’m leaving and I’m never coming back.”
“But if you love me, you must want to marry me. I will consent to the union . I wish us to be married.”