Page 11 of Deviation
“It’s only bothering you at this point. I can’t help it if you kids only watch garbage television and overpriced box office slumps.” I can tell she’s trying to not smile. Even weakened by her illness, she still looks beautiful to me.
“Ugh, I could sleep for another week.”
I push her messy hair off her face. “How about a shower?”
“Is that your polite way of telling me I smell?” She cocks her head in my direction, looking ready to pass out.
“Nah, I’d just tell you, but I’m thinking you’ll be more comfortable scrubbed clean and in clean clothes. You can nap while I catch up on work.”
“Right, because you stayed there with me all night long.” She looks at me and smirks, so I feel the need to instigate her just a little.
“Although, you do have hospital breath, so maybe I should loan you a toothbrush or something.” Her smirk changes. Maybe I went too far, but it’s fun getting Edith to give me a genuine reaction and not this thing we’ve both been fighting.
“Jackass! Egotistical, arrogant, jackass!” she yells, picking up the pillow next to her and smacking me with it. I can’t help but laugh when she turns a few different shades of purple when angry. Once I disarm her of the pillow, I pull her down onto the couch and lay on top of her. She puts her hands on my shoulders, and I fit myself between her legs. I grab one and pull it up over my hip so I can rub my length against her hot sweet spot. She fights me for a second before giving in and I kiss her again, showing her how much I really couldn’t care less about her hospital breath.
Edith lets out a whimper that I think is sexy as hell and I wonder who is teaching whom. I push her arms up over her head and fully cover her body with mine. I hate that we have clothes in between us, and I hate that my couch isn’t big enough to roll her over on top of me. I reach down and push her shirt up. Small breasts meet my hand and I touch her through the thin cotton of her bra. With how little fat is on her body, she probably doesn’t even need one. I should cook her dinner and fatten her up, I think. She’s far too skinny right now to be healthy, and I’m sad no one has taken better care of her. It pisses me off her parents are useless and self-absorbed. I aim to change that.
“Jack, what are we doing?” Her eyes are closed as I skim my lips down her neck and to her chest. I suck her nipple, biting gently and licking it with my tongue. I kneed the other one until her hips buck underneath me.
“I’m learning you. Learning what you like, learning what gets you mad with desire until your eyes roll into the back of your head. Edith, it’s never been like this for me before.”
I push farther down, kissing and licking her stomach, making slow circles over her navel, watching her eyelids squeeze shut as she bites her bottom lip. I pull her pants and panties down, pushing them off her legs. I rub my nose all over her, breathing in her scent. I pull her thighs apart until I’ve got her legs over my shoulders and can see her damp curls and pink flesh swollen with need.
“Jack, I haven’t ever…”
“Shhh… Let me learn you, baby.”
I see the glisten of tears at the corner of her eyes, and it breaks my damn heart. As much as I want to go all caveman on her pussy and claim her as mine, I slow it down. The rational side of my brain reminds me that she’s just gotten out of the hospital and, like a pervert, I’ve jumped all over her.
Taking my fingers, I gently spread her wider, kissing her inner thigh and licking along the rim of her opening. Her legs are shaking. She looks lush and delicious, but not yet ready. I kiss her sweetly and before I can even penetrate her, she starts convulsing in my arms, whimpering and panting. Resting my forehead on her stomach, I put my hand over her heart and feel it beating fast.
“J-Jack…” She’s crying. I don’t know why and I don’t ask. I should, but I’m feeling overwhelmed. I never had these kinds of feelings with past partners and I feel a nagging sense of guilt.
“Shhhh, Edith. I know. Me, too.”
I let my hands roam her body until she stills. I look up and my poor girl has fallen asleep, tears staining her pale cheeks. She’d be mortified to know I was looking so intently at her while she lays so vulnerable on my couch but, damn, who wouldn’t? I pick her up and take her into my bedroom, pulling down the covers of the bed. I strip the rest of her clothing off and tuck her in. I jump in the shower and clean myself up, taking care of business. This may be the longest weekend of my life.
Chapter Seven
I wake up hungry. A good portion of my body hurts, but I feel wet and tingly between my legs. I bet I was having a sex dream about Jack. It would figure. I feel embarrassed by my instantaneous orgasm yesterday, but his touch brought me there so fast, I lost the careful control I tried to keep over myself. I still haven’t showered, and I feel really gross. I groan, trying to cover my face with a pillow, when I feel someone kneeling on the bed next to me and pulling my scant level of protection away.
“Go away,” I mumble.
He laughs and pulls harder on the pillow. “Not likely, Edith. Come on. Time to eat and clean up.” I’m about to protest, but my stomach growls and he laughs. “Come on, girl. You can’t argue with a stomach as loud as that.” Grimacing, I know he’s right. Plus, eating will probably clear the headache that’s settled in my brain.
“Fine, but… Whoa! Hey! Put me down!” I feel myself being lifted like a sack of potatoes. My limbs flail until he gets a better hold of me. Like a cat, I’m struggling to get purchase in his arms, clawing his shoulders.
“Not a chance. Besides, Shelby and Aiden plan to stop by to make sure I haven’t locked you in a closet or something.”
Jack has wrapped me up in the sheet from the bed and is carrying me to his kitchen. He sits me down in front of a plate filled with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. It’s a sweet gesture, but I’m not sure how I’ll even eat a portion of this gigantic meal. Even healthy, I never ate this much food in one sitting.
“Wow.” I pick up my fork as he puts a cup of coffee in front of me.
“Wow later, eat now.” Jack tucks my messy hair behind my ears and kisses me on my forehead.
“Yes, caveman.” I roll my eyes at him. He looks at me, really looks at me, like he’s assessing me carefully. It’s weird, yet I feel that feverish heat overwhelm me again.