Page 37 of Deviation
After a long shower and a cup of the strongest coffee I can find, I get to Fleur’s office. I’m hoping we can figure out what to do next.
“Still looking as beautiful as ever. I like your office space.” Looking around, I see Fleur Durand has set up a swanky office to cater to the out of pocket, slightly neurotic clientele.
“And still quite cheeky in your old age.” We hug and she pats my arm, motioning me to sit down on her cream-colored, velvet sofa. The bright, calming room invites one to spill their darkest secrets.
“As I told you over the phone, this is really about my girlfriend, Edith.”
“Ah, the student you seduced.” Fleur takes a sip of her tea and I sit back, wondering if this was such a good idea after all. “Ah, Jack, I’m teasing. I know you wouldn’t knowingly do so, but I find this situation very interesting. You say she was attacked by a teacher’s assistant before finals?”
“Yes. Physically, she’s fine, but mentally? Oh, god…” I break down and actually cry, telling Fleur all the details. There is no one else I would trust with knowing all of this. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life.
“There now, Jack. A good cry is healing, and you’ve been holding so much back.”
“What do you mean?” I know I’m holding back sexually and emotionally because I’ve got my own trust issues, but this is for Edith’s own good, not to hurt her.
“Jack, given the situation and trauma she has been through, you need to think about what’s best for Edith.”
“I am, but she won’t talk to me.”
“Jack, I know how you are.”
“Fleur, don’t do that. Don’t analyze me. This is about Edith.”
Smiling, she shakes her head. “I did just that for months after we broke up, but no worries. I’m not. This just explains so much.”
“Look. I came to you because I trust you. We aren’t revisiting whatever past we had.”
Smiling slightly, she nods. “Of course not. Jack, I know you care about her, but you, my dear, are enabling her.”
Scoffing, I move to get up, but she taps my knee and I sit back down. “This isn’t about me. Don’t go there, Fleur. I’m serious. I want nothing more than the last few weeks to go away.”
“That’s just it. You can’t make this go away. You’re conceding to your white knight complex.”
Annoyed, I continue, “Then I’ll make it better.”
“Jack…” Fleur draws my name out. I know I’m being defensive because a tiny part of me recognizes she’s right. I do whatever it takes to be the white knight who rolls in and makes it all better. “You can’t make it better…just different.”
“What do you expect me to do? Break up with her? Leave her? I’m not doing that.”
“Of course not, but you need to let her do this on her own.”
“I tried that, and you see how well that’s worked out so far.”
“It’s not your battle. There are treatment programs available. I can make some calls today.”
“Fucking hell.” Edith will find that the ultimate betrayal, but what choice has she giving me? She’s taken my pills, destroyed the mirror, and cut her hand.
“Jack, you remember that Halloween party we went to as undergrads?”
“Don’t make this about some unresolved issues or our breakup.”
“I’m not. We decided to go in matching costumes and you picked them out. You decided we would dress as a hot school girl and the nerdy professor.”
I lean over, resting my head in my hands, somewhat embarrassed. Fleur was always good at emasculating me when she felt like it. “You’ve made your point.”
“No, I haven’t. Let me finish. Do you remember what happened that night?”