Page 102 of Top Dog
Then I opened the door, planted my hand on the small of her back, and ushered her back out to our guests.
We walked out the back door and Matteo went diving into Julia’s arms. I watched her pick our son up and swing him around before planting kisses on every part of his face. I took back the grill from Frank and started doling out food, my eyes keeping tabs on my family as Julia talked with Matteo. I watched his eyes drop to her stomach as his jaw unhinged, and I grinned. The look of sheer excitement on his face settled any nerves I still had from Julia’s announcement. Matteo hugged his mother closely as she whispered into his ear. I slid steaks and hamburgers on people’s plates, watching as they walked by the table of condiments and sides they would use to fill their stomachs.
I meant what I said.
Julia never had to worry as long as I was by her side.
Our past was something we couldn't change. How we were raised and who we were raised by would never change. But what we did with our family businesses going forward was completely within our control. What we chose to donate to and what we chose to take on a business ventures would prove to people time and time again that the names Bianchi and Martine didn’t have to be feared any longer. My son looked over at me with bright eyes and waved, so I took the time to wave back. His smile made my heart skip a beat, and in nine months I’d be holding my newborn child in my arms.
Boy or girl, our child would be loved. Supported. Cherished. Spoiled. There would never be a day where they knew fear, or blood, or vengeance. Those days were gone. Julia and I made sure of it. And every once in a while, when fear crept into my thoughts at three in the morning, I would check on things to make sure they stayed okay. Without competition between the two families, New York was safe.
My family was safe.
Our little slice of the world was safe.
I scooped a running Matteo into my arms and helped him crawl onto my back.
“What’s up, son?” I asked.
“Mommy told me.”
“She did, did she? And how do you feel about what she told you?”
“I’m gonna like my new room,” he said.
“Oh! A new room, huh? You think you’re gonna move out and get yourself some nicer digs?”
“That’s what Mom said.”
“Well, what else did Mom say?”
“That you’d help me decorate it,” he said.
My gaze panned over to Julia. I watched a cheeky grin spread across her cheeks.
“Well,” I said as I looked back at my son, “if I’m going to help you decorate, then we’re going to decorate it any way you want.”
“Any way?” he asked.
“So I can have glow-in-the-dark walls?”
“Why not?” I asked as I waved at Julia.
“And a really big bed?”
“We’ll get you a new one,” I said as she waved back.
“And my own TV? With my own video games? And my own movies?”
Julia giggled, but she had no idea what she was getting herself into. She’d picked a fight with the wrong man because I always won the battles that came my way. Just like I’d won against Stefano.
“Whatever you want,” I said as my eyes locked with my son again. “But don’t tell your mother. We need to surprise her with it.”
“Okay,” Matteo said whispering. “It’ll be a secret.”