Page 301 of Top Dog
He huffed a short laugh. “Tits, facial, or cream pie?” I gave him a warning glare, and he shrugged. “You said you were finishing; I just wanted to know how.”
I looked away, glancing out the window beside me. I loved to fly, and I particularly loved flying over this part of the country.
“Why Ne
braska? And who’s ever heard of Viola, anyway?” he asked.
“It’s a small town, but it’s growing, and there’s money. Lots of people in the surrounding areas need the jobs. I think it’s a perfect fit.”
“If it’s so perfect then why another trip? Why not just phone it in. You’ve seen the facility, right?”
“Yes, but now I want to check out the surrounding property. The building that’s there isn’t going to do. I will have to build.”
“So, build somewhere fun. Or fuck it, let’s go somewhere when we’re done. How about Vegas? Just for a night?”
Nate was the last person I’d go to Vega with ever again. He’d made a disaster out of our last trip and nearly landed me in jail.
“Are you out of your mind? Do you think I’ve forgotten the twin’s incident?” He’d harassed a pair of twin dancers who then proceeded to call the cops because she wouldn’t give him change for a twenty.
“That was Vegas?” He narrowed his eyes and then shrugged. “Whatever, let’s do something. It’s been a long time since you and I have gotten any time away together other than business trips.” He was worse than a girlfriend with his you never take me anywhere nice spiel. And that was just one of many reasons I didn’t do relationships. At least, not normal ones.
“I have a meeting day after tomorrow. We’ll have to head back to New York as soon as we’re done in Viola.”
“Is it about another one of your trips home?” He gave me an accusatory glare, and I shook my head.
“Not yet. I haven’t found the right candidate. You know I’m picky.” He knew that things had to be perfect for me to go back home. And not just my preferences, but legalities, paperwork. It was all part of my hobby, and one that I was passionate about.
I made other arrangements when I went back home. I would find a preferred candidate and offer them a hundred grand to stay two weeks in my castle, completely private and anonymous. All I would know was their first name, and vice versa, just how I liked it. The privacy of the castle, as well as the one-on-one time, provided more intimacy than random sex with masked women could, and I’d become rather fond of seeing how I could break the chosen.
“You’re not that picky. You’re choosing fucking Snoozeville, Nebraska, as your next distribution site.”
“One more crack like that and I’ll send you out to run the place.”
He sank in his seat and glared over at me. “You wouldn’t do that to your best friend. Besides, who would hold down the fort while you run off for one of your sex romps?” He had a point. Sadly, he was my right hand, and the only person I trusted with the company.
Teasing him was always fun though, so I gave him a stone-faced glare. “Probably someone who doesn’t act like a pussy.”
He was quiet the rest of the trip.
After we landed and boarded the next car, which was waiting just outside Viola, my stomach growled. I’d cleaned up a bit on the plane, but aside from pistachios, there was nothing to eat on board.
“I’m fucking starving,” said Nate as if he read my mind.
“I was just thinking the same thing, friend. How about I buy you some dinner?” I patted him on the shoulder and earned a narrowed look.
“Hey, you’re the one with the billions, of course, I’ll let you buy dinner.”
He was always kidding me about my money, and he was the only person who could get away with it. His own nest egg was nothing to sneeze at, and he was wealthy enough that he didn’t have to put up with me. He did that because he wanted to.
I glanced up about that time to see a quaint little diner. The place was fifties retro, and I was drawn to the neon out front that read “Angel.” I took it as an omen, and a closer look revealed the “o’s” was burnt out on the Angelo’s Diner sign. I leaned up and instructed my driver to pull over.
If there was an angel inside, she was about to meet the devil.
“Dammit,” I cursed under my breath as I sloshed another cup of coffee while placing it on the table. My mood would have been better, as well as my coordination, if I hadn’t had to pull a double after a turnaround. I was beginning to feel like I lived at Angelo’s Diner.
I looked up at Eddie who frowned, but since he was a regular whose time at the place practically made us roommates, he let it go.