Page 308 of Top Dog
“He’s in a home. Our old house is a bit behind on taxes, but I hope that some of this money will fix that too. It also needs a bit of repair. I’ve been taking care of things since my stepmother left. She took my dad’s savings on her way out.”
She had seen hard times, and it made me feel for her. I’d had some rough times with family issues as well, and it was never easy, rich or poor. Money didn’t solve everything, and it didn’t make a home a happy place to be.
“Is there anything else about the contract that you needed to know? I don’t mind explaining the reasons behind some of my rules, but I’d rather discuss these things now instead of later. And I especially think you should ask before we have sex.” I wasn’t going to tell her, but if she felt she had to leave, I’d do the courteous thing and pay her fares and see her home safely. I could certainly afford it, and it was only put in the rules so no one could try to take advantage of me.
“I do have one question, and I hope that you won’t take it the wrong way, but I’m a little confused by it.” She raked her hand through her pale hair and took a deep breath.
“Of course, ask me anything. Now’s the time.” Her question was sure to be a familiar one. It wasn’t too often that the women I’d brought asked me something I’d never heard before.
“Why go through all this just to have sex with someone? I mean, you’re kind of super hot, so it’s not like you should have to pay for it or buy someone’s time.” She let out a breath and then looked away.
“You think I’m super hot?” I leaned in and gave her a smoldering look.
“Oh, that’s it; you totally didn’t know it, right? Well, let me be the first to tell you.” We exchanged a laugh, and she shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m here.”
“Why? Because I’m so hot?” I chuckled. “Yes, I’ve been told that before.”
“A few times?” she asked, her tone still steeped in sarcasm.
“How often are you told?”
The question took her by surprise, and she looked down to her drink and then finished it off. She swallowed hard and then looked up to the ceiling.
“Maybe once or twice by someone other than my father. He thinks I’m the most beautiful girl in the world.” She rolled her eyes and made a silly face.
“I’d have to agree with him.” She was by far the most beautiful, and I could tell she thought I was not being serious. I made a mental note to change that.
“You didn
’t answer my question.”
“I like controlling all my business arrangements so that no one can sue me, trap me, or use me. Besides, this way I get what I want when I want it.”
Her eyes burned into mine, and that look of uncertainty returned to her face. “When are you going to want it?”
“Carrie, I’ve wanted it from the first time I walked into that diner.”
Being able to sit and talk with Chance had put me at ease, but knowing that I was sure to disappoint him in the bedroom was weighing on me. He’d admitted that he wanted to start the sexual part of our arrangement soon, and since I’d signed the contract, I wouldn’t have any say in it.
I hadn’t known what to say since his admission, and though I wasn’t afraid of him and found him attractive, I felt like I should tell him that I was uncomfortable. But then he leaned forward and offered me his hand.
I took it, and as he helped me to my feet, I decided I better speak up. “Where are we going?” My nerves were like a knot in my stomach.
“I’d like to show you the bedroom and where you’ll be spending a large portion of our time here together.” His lips parted showing me a toothy grin. “You know, having pillow fights and building forts with the sheets.”
His kidding put me at ease as he led me up the stone stairway and down another long hall. After walking around two corners and up another small flight of stairs, we reached his master bedroom.
Though beautiful, the room was sparsely decorated, and aside from the large, black bed, which took an entire corner of the large area and was dressed in white silk, there wasn’t much else. There was a small table beside the bed with a drawer and a trunk on the far side of the room. Long billowing drapes hung from the windows which went from floor to ceiling and didn’t offer much privacy. The was a chair positioned in front of the window as if someone had spent some time there, contemplating life.
“It’s nice. I love the bed. Is it hand-carved.”
“Take a closer look; it’s metal.” He nodded for me to go ahead and he stayed put as I walked across the room to get a better look.
“Impressive.” It truly was. I had never seen anything like it, and the entire structure must weigh a ton. “How’d you get it up here?” I trailed my fingers along the vines that wrapped around the heavy columns. The entire bed reminded me of a wrought iron gate with roses and thorny stems, intricate and beautiful.
He chuckled and stepped closer. “You’re the only person who has ever asked that.” He took a deep breath as if it were a long story. “Let’s just say that sometimes it helps to be so wealthy. I had to do a bit of structural research, and then I hired the artist to build it right where it stands.”