Page 311 of Top Dog
“Like I was run over by a semi.”
I stifled a chuckle as she sat up.
“Was it so bad?”
“No, it wasn’t. I mean, it hurt a little at first, but then—wow. I didn’t know that an orgasm could feel that good.”
“That was nothing; they’ll get better, I promise. Do you feel like having a bite? I ordered brunch, and it should be ready for us.” I had all our meals scheduled and hoped that if she ate she’d keep her energy up. She was going to need it.
“I could eat. I was so nervous I didn’t eat well the past few days.”
“Which is why you’re so worn out. It’s important to keep your energy up. How about a nice, hot shower and I’ll take you down after?” I took her hand and helped her to her feet.
“That sounds amazing.” She stretched and then I walked to her to the bathroom where I allowed her privacy as she showered. I went to the other bathroom across the hall and did the same. Normally I’d share a shower with her, but since she was sore and had bled, I figured she’d need a moment alone. When I was done, I went back across the hall to my bedroom and found her waiting. She’d cleaned up and wore another dress as I requested.
“I’m starved.” She hurried to my side, and I walked her down the long staircase. “You should have an elevator installed.” We had only made it halfway down.
“It’s good for us and will keep us in shape. I had considered an elevator, but then, figured it would take away the fun of the castle experience.”
“True. What will we do after we eat?” She kept her head down, and I knew that things had been rough on her, so I had a feeling she was asking because she thought I’d want to have sex again very soon.
“I thought I’d show you around a bit and then take you to the gallery.”
Her eyes lit with surprise, and she smiled. “That would be amazing, thank you.”
It was a refreshing feeling to know she actually cared about the castle. Most of the others had only seen the kitchen and the bedroom and some of my living quarters. I’d never taken anyone over to the gallery and had only used the room for a personal relaxation room.
We entered the kitchen, and I took her to a small table I’d had brought in especially for me and my guests to eat.
“This is where you have all your meals?” She looked around and lowered herself into one of the tall-back chairs. “No offense, but this is a bit off-scale considering the furniture you have in the main room.”
“I like to be intimate when I eat. I’ll show you what I mean when I take you around. The dining hall is monstrous. The chairs are so massive that it’s like eating on a throne.”
“Aren’t you king of this castle?” She met my eyes and with a narrowed look.
“You have to ask?” Her cheeks reddened, and she was distracted as my cook placed our brunch before us. I had ordered us both an egg white omelet and toast, and she quickly dug into hers, taking healthy bites and only stopped long enough to gulp down her orange juice.
She glanced up and caught me watching. “I’m sorry, I must look like a pig. It’s just that I don’t usually have time to eat, so I tend to eat fast.”
“You can take your time. It’s not going anywhere, and there are no tables to wait on and no one to take care of. Enjoy.” I wondered what it was like to constantly have to look after others. I’d been fortunate that I hadn’t had to take care of anyone, which the more I thought about it, was sad.
“I’ve done it all so long that I’m not sure how to stop worrying about others. It’s all I can do not to cut your omelet up for you. Or to bring you a second helping. Lately, it’s been a bit different with my father in the home, but it got so bad that he couldn’t be alone while I worked and the lady that used to sit with him is in bad health too.”
“It sounds like you’ve never really taken a minute for yourself.” I couldn’t help but admire her, and it wasn’t the first time she’d surprised me. She wasn’t like the other type I’d brought here. Her looks, while beautiful like theirs, were more wholesome and her naivety didn’t dumb her down or make her a bitch like it had some of the women. She was mature and caring, without a selfish bone in her body. I had to remind myself not to get to wrapped up in her.
I’d never been so interested or intrigued before, and I couldn’t let that get in the way of what I had going for me. I’d carefully laid out all the rules and planned these trips to treat myself, and as much as I liked her, it couldn’t be more. I had to stick to the arrangements.
We finished our meals and then I led her through the castle and then out into the courtyard. The sunlight hit her face, and as she closed her eyes and tilted her head up as if basking in it, I knew I was in trouble. Not only was she the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but I could see myself caring about her.
I held her hand all the way across the courtyard, where she stopped and smelled every flower we passed.
She touched her nose to one bright red rose. “I’ve never smelled anything so sweet. Did you plant these?” She closed her eyes and savored it.
“No, they were here when I bought the place. I hired a gardener to keep all the plants and flowers. No telling how long some of them have been around.” I pinched off a red bloom and handed it to her. “Now you can take that scent with you.” She put her nose to the flower once more, and I noticed the color matched her lips.
We walked hand in hand to the other tower, and once we went inside, I led her down the long hallway on the main floor to the gallery.
As she walked into the room, I heard a gasp as she held her heart. “It’s breathtaking.” She took off, walking to the far side of the room by one of the large windows and stood looking up at the highest hung paintings. “Your mother painted