Page 391 of Top Dog
“I can tell by this house,” Morgan said. “Are you renting?”
“Morgan, it’s really—” Brooke said.
“It’s okay. Really. Actually, I own it, Morgan. I bought it a few weeks ago.”
“You just—saw it and wanted it so you bought it,” Morgan said.
“Isn’t that how it works?” I asked.
“If you’ve got money, sure,” Morgan said.
Brooke looked like she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Jesus Morgan,” she mumbled.
I shook my head. “Well, she’s right. I guess you could say I do okay. I’ve been very fortunate,” I said. “So, what are you doing here in Nassau, Brooke?” I asked.
“She’s trying to get over a shitty ex,” Morgan blurted out.
“Morgan!” Brooke exclaimed. “Language.”
Morgan looked over at my kids, who’s own eyes were wide as saucers, and her cheeks flushed. “Oops. I’m really sorry,” she said sheepishly.
“What’s a x?” Sydney asked.
I tried to think of a way to answer that question in a way they would understand, but Brooke started talking before I could.
“It’s kind of like someone you aren’t friends with anymore,” she said.
“Were they mean to you?” Daniel asked.
“Yeah, kind of,” Brooke answered.
“Daddy says we should be nice to everyone,” Sydney piped up.
I shifted uncomfortably on my feet when Brooke’s eyes lifted to meet mine.
“He’s right,” she said.
“I’ll be nice to you,” Sydney said.
“Mee too!” Daniel added.
Brooke giggled at the kids before she reached over and ruffled Daniel’s hair.
“You guys are really sweet. Thank you,” she said. “But I’m fine. I promise.”
Dessert with the gang was actually a pretty good time. Brooke told me that she had graduated with her English degree and that she was currently working on a book.
The evening gave me time to study Brooke, to take in her beauty and enjoy being around her again, watching how easy it was for her to interact with my children.
They even wanted her to tuck them into bed after dessert.
“She really liked you, you know,” Morgan said quietly so only I could hear.
I watched Brooke help my daughter into her pajamas.
“I liked her, too,” I said.
“Then why did you forget about her, Kevin? I don’t get it.”