Page 426 of Top Dog
“I invited Katie, but she didn’t really give me a straight up answer. Make sure to invite her again when she’s feelin’ better. I think she might like comin’. And double-check the time for me. Right now, I’ve got it in my head that it starts at two. Let me know if that’s right.”
“Didn’t you send out the invitations?” he asked.
“I made a damn Facebook event ‘bout it, Dylan. Fuck. You ask me what you can do, then you shit on me for it?”
“Yikes. Someone else needs some more sleep as well. Take a nap before you trot around doin’ all this stuff.”
“Plan on it. Last night was a wild ride, and I’m exhausted.”
“You’re not the only one. Took me three cups of coffee to remember my name this mornin’.”
“Had you taken Whitney to bed with you last night, she could’ve reminded you of it all night long,” I said with a grin.
“Not my type. You know that. Let me know if you need anythin’ else.”
“Just a double-check on the time and to make sure someone else invites Katie,” I said.
“I can do both,” he said. “And remember, you’re off today. If I see you ‘round that front desk or fiddlin’ in the stables with the animals, I’m tearin’ you up.”
“Got it. Family reunion shit and no work shit.”
“Language,” he said.
“You know I’m gonna keep cussin’ just to piss you off
Sunday was an optional work day for me, and I decided to take it.
With this new property we’d acquired for the resort, there was shit tons of marketing and advertising that had to be done.
Slogan selection and planning out commercials, trying to find a way to tap into the East Coast and how we could get them excited about booking a room at our new Charleston addition took a lot of brain power.
I was going cross-eyed looking at everything, and I knew I had to get up from my desk. I’d drive myself fuckin’ insane trying to come up with things on the spot if I didn’t clear my head. That was my job; marketing and advertising for the resort. That and helping Andrew out with the animals when he got swamped with other stuff Dylan was always throwing at him.
And the best thing to clear my head during a day like that was a good horseback ride.
I turned around as I walked toward the back door and saw the prettiest sight alive. Katie was standing there with her curly hair bouncing around her cheeks. It used to be so long and big with poof but having those curls all around her face suited her now that she was in her twenties. She came up to me smiling and threw her arms around me, and I soaked up her warmth for as long as I could.
“You look good for someone’ nursin’ a hangover,” I said.
“I see you talked to Andrew,” she said.
“Briefly. You get a nap in?” I asked.
“I did. But when I woke up, Lizzie and Whitney weren’t around. You know where they headed off to?”
“My guess is either back to the bar or the pool, though they might’ve been scheduled to leave today. Most of the guests were before things happened.”
“Oh, man. I didn’t think about that. They did tell me they wouldn’t’ dare to wake me up after my wicked hangover. You think Dylan would look it up for me and see if they’ve checked out?”
“I’m sure he’d do anythin’ for you if you flashed him that pretty smile of yours,” I said. “You gettin’ yourself into anythin’ today?”