Page 88 of The Better Brother
“I heard New York is insane on New Year’s,” I said. “So many people.”
“Who cares?” Michael said. “We’ll still have fun.”
“Okay,” I said. “We’ll go one year.”
Michael smil
ed and wrapped his arms around me. We watched as the countdown began. Michael whispered in my ear the entire time.
“Ten,” he said. “Nine… eight…”
I giggled as his warm breath tickled me. He kissed my earlobe with seven seconds left to go. At six, he kissed my cheek. At five, he kissed my nose.
“Four,” he said. “Three… two…”
His lips were inches from mine, and when the crowd in Time’s Square yelled “Happy New Year!” we were already kissing. It felt like the cheers on the T.V. were just for us. We stayed frozen in time, kissing in Michael’s living room, while the rest of the world celebrated the turning of the year.
Finally, Michael lifted me off my feet and carried me to the couch. We didn’t even try to make it to his bedroom before we tore at each other’s clothes.
It was late June when Julie and I finally made it to Paris. I tried to take her sooner, but between work and Josh’s recovery, we just didn’t have the time. Finally, six months after our New Year’s kiss, we were on a plane flying to France. When we landed, it was late, and all we wanted to do was sleep. We spent most the night in our hotel, not leaving the bed unless we had to.
“What do you want to see today?” I asked her the next morning.
“The Eiffel Tower,” she said without missing a beat. “Of course.”
“That’s tonight,” I said. “I promise.”
“Why wait?” she asked. She jutted out her bottom lip in a pout that almost broke me, but I held my ground. I had big plans for us that night, and nothing, not even Julie’s impatience, was going to stand in the way.
“We have a reservation, remember?” I asked.
“I know, I know.” Julie groaned, but smiled.
She was just happy to finally be in Paris. We’d been talking about this trip for so long that neither of us thought it would actually happen. Every time I tried to book the flights and hotel rooms, something always came up. Whether it was my work or Julie’s, Josh’s recovery or his move to Ennis, something always got in the way.
“I can’t believe we’re finally here,” I said, staring out the window in awe.
“Me neither.” Julie laughed. “I was beginning to think it wouldn’t happen.”
“Life got crazy,” I said with a nod. “But we’re here now.”
“Finally.” Julie laughed again.
We spent most of the day just walking around the city. I hadn’t been to Paris in years. The last time, I went for business and didn’t get a chance to see the sights. With Julie by my side though, I wanted to see everything.
We walked through museums and shops, up and down streets and down deserted alleyways. We didn’t bother using a map or taking a tour. We just wanted to discover the city ourselves, in our way.
That was my favorite part of being with Julie. She and I could have adventures that no one else would understand. We didn’t care if we got lost or if we never made it back to our hotel. So long as we were together, the rest of the world disappeared, and our happiness was undeniable.
“Do you know where we are?” she asked as the sun began to set. “We should probably head back to the hotel soon.”
“It’s two blocks this way,” I said, pointing to our left. “Not far.”
“How do you know that?” Julie shook her head. “I’m totally lost.”