Page 191 of Two Weeks of Sin
“We want the girl,” Coyote said.
“Jessica? Who is she to you?” Dylan asked.
Jessica hopped off the bike and dropped her head, scurrying over to Coyote’s. I watched, stunned and hurt as the woman I’d taken under my wing abandoned us. Coyote smiled and pulled a little baggie of crushed up rocks and handed it to the girl. He was paying her with meth.
“Thanks for bringing them here, doll. They’re a lot easier to handle when they have their guard down.”
I had to bite back a snarl at that comment, glaring at Coyote from around Dylan. Coyote just chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you going to hand her over easy? Or are we going to have to take her from you?” he asked menacingly.
“Go to hell!” Dylan spat, his lips drawn back into a snarl.
“Your choice,” Coyote said casually.
His men drew their weapons and soon every single person on our side had a gun trained at their heads. A little red dot from a laser sight was poised at the center of Dylan’s head, but he didn’t flinch. He was ready to lay his life down for me, but I wasn’t going to let that happen.
I jumped up, eyes wide. “WAIT!” I gasped, standing beside the bike.
Dylan swung his head around and stared at me, wide-eyed and confused by my actions. “What the hell are you doing?!” he snapped, an edge of fear just under his words.
I looked at Dylan and I knew my eyes were glistening with tears. I knew I looked terrified because I was. My hands shook just a little as I stared Coyote down. “Wait…”
Coyote cocked a brow and looked me up and down. “I’m waiting…”
“I’ll go with you, okay?” I whispered, my voice shaking from the effort of trying to keep my calm. “I’ll go with you.”
“Like hell you will Alex!” Dylan yelled.
I swung around and stared at him, an intensity burning in my belly that I’d never felt before. “I am not your responsibility.” I threw my hand out, motioning to the other bikers parked around me. “These men are your responsibility. You’re their leader and if you don’t let me go with them, all of your men are going to be dead! The men you promised to lead and protect! I won’t be the reason you break that promise! You owe them everything, and so do I, so don’t try and stop me, Dylan. You told me that you’re out there to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves. I can. I’m making my own decision and don’t you dare get your ass killed by being rash!” I said, my throat going dry.
Dylan just stared at me, though he didn’t respond. I took his silence as a sign of understanding. He knew it just as well as I did that either I went with Coyote or we all died. I turned and walked towards the line of armed bikers, glancing back at Dylan before Coyote grabbed me around the waist and threw me onto his bike.
As the bike roared to life, I heard the sound of Dylan’s anguished scream.
Chapter Nineteen
I tried hard to make sense of what was happening. Why did Coyote and his men want me? Was he just trying to hurt Dylan? But that didn’t make sense, since Dylan and I had just figured out last night what we meant to each other. I couldn’t say for sure, but I had the sick feeling this had something to do with my father.
We rode into the hills well into the night, not stopping until we made it to an abandoned warehouse. By the time we got there, I'd pretty much figured out they weren't going to kill me so I had some of my spunk back.
"A warehouse. How original. No one will find us here," I quipped.
Coyote stopped walking, clearly surprised by my sudden sarcasm, but not amused by it in the least. He looked at me for a long moment before his hand snapped forward and he slapped me across the face so hard I stumbled back, shocked by the unexpected contact.
He yanked me closer, grabbed a set of handcuffs off his belt, and slapped them on me easily, not replying to my sarcastic remark. They led me into the warehouse and we walked straight back before Coyote pushed me up against a wall and grabbed his gun, pointing it right at me.
"I'm not going to run. Where do you think I'm going to go? You don't have to point that fucking thing at me," I snapped, spitting out a mouthful of blood from the slap.
"I know you aren't going to run, but I like watching you squirm," he said with a grin. "You don't like the gun and that's exactly why I'm pointing it at you."
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right so I closed my mouth tightly for a moment, deciding I should do something useful with my time, like figure out how to get out of here.
"Staging a kidnapping is impressive and all, but couldn't you have picked a better victim? Like a senator's daughter or something?" I asked.
Coyote glanced up and cocked a brow. "We wanted you."
"But why?” I asked. “Who the fuck am I?”
He hummed, clearly think through his answer. "Your daddy owes us money and we figured the only way to recoup our losses was to get our hands on you."