Page 201 of Two Weeks of Sin
Chapter Nine
Marie looked down at the folder, unsure of how she felt about her name being on it. As if reading her mind, Madame Osei spoke up on the issue, “When and if you return, you’ll be given a code name that will go on all of your documents from here on out. What is in the folder is a non-disclosure agreement. You are legally agreeing that anything you see, hear or do doesn’t leave this building. If you fail to adhere to this agreement, you are liable to be taken to court and your contract with us will be terminated.”
The confused look on Marie’s face made Madame Osei laugh, “I know what you’re thinking. How can I take you to court if I’m running an illegal business?” she mused.
She’d guessed right. Marie was very confused as to why
any of this was necessary in a business based on something highly illegal. Madame Osei leaned forward and smiled, “As far as the city knows, where an alternative therapy service, which isn’t entirely a lie,” she stated.
Marie nodded and let Madame Osei continue, “Anyway, Mystique is a registered business. It’s just a little different than what we have listed on our forms at the county office.”
Madame Osei flipped the folder open and pointed out the main points of the nondisclosure agreement. Marie signed where she was told to and Madame took the pen back, snapping the folder closed. “Very good. This also acts as our contract,” she said, pulling out a second folder.
This one was pure black and the pages inside were white with simple font. She pushed it across the table and opened it for Marie, taking out the first page, making sure that Marie could see it clearly.
“These are the guidelines we spoke about earlier.”
Marie picked it up and read through the list, though Madame Osei stopped her, “Read them out loud, love. I want to make sure you understand and read every sentence.”
After a moment, Marie’s eyes wandered back up to the top and she read out loud, “One. Silence. You will not speak of this place to anyone. You will be given three recommendation cards to use at your discretion. You may tell that person the nature of the business but nothing more.” That explained Rachel’s silence on the subject, “Two. Consent. All parties must consent to any and all activities. No one may touch you without your consent and you may not touch others without their consent. Your existence in this space does not mean you are consenting. Three. You may leave the premise to go on ‘dates’ but you are not allowed to take your escorts home or give them any of your personal contact information. Four. You may not pursue relationships with the escorts outside of this facility. Any contact made must be done within the facility and its owners. Five. Anyone who attempts to break these rules must be reported immediately, even if the accused is an escort or employee.” She finished reading the rules and set them down.
The serious look that made Marie so nervous came across Madame Osei’s face again, “Do you understand the rules?”
Marie nodded but Madame Osei shook her head again, “Say it.”
“I understand the rules.”
“Very good. Now, in that packet there is also a handbook that details each of my employee’s specialties, inside and outside the bedroom,” she said, putting her hand on a glossy book. “This is for your eyes only and may not be shared with anyone, including other clients of Mystique.
“I understand,” Marie confirmed again, starting to feel like Madame Osei wanted everything verbalized.
Madame Osei nodded again and stood, heading toward the door, she swept her arm out to open the door and lead Marie back out into the main area with the girls who had been cleaning were now lazing around on the many pillows.
They came to the main doors of the warehouse and Marie had the folder tucked under her arm safely. She wasn’t going to lose it before she even got out of the facility. Madame Osei put a hand on her shoulder.
“I have done everything that I can do. The rest is on you. Take that packet home and review it. You will meet all of the escorts when you come back and receive your codename,” she said with a soft smile, “I know that you came here seeking something, Marie, and I promise you will find it. We all grow in different ways and at different paces. This is just another step in your journey.” She cupped Marie’s cheeks and kissed her forehead gently before two large, beautiful men in charge of the heavy door opened the door and closed it behind her once she exited.
There was a fluttering in her chest as she held the folder close. She was unsure if it was due to excitement or nervousness. She knew she wanted to return as soon as possible but she also knew that she needed to take some time to let all the information sink in. This was a big deal.
Chapter Ten
Marie was grinning from ear to ear as she walked through the cafe. Her mind was spinning pleasantly and she was already excited to come back and meet the escorts. There weren’t any pictures of them in the pamphlet and they were described like menu items. They book used words like ‘spicy’ and ‘exotic’ and it painted a better picture in her mind that she would have ever guessed.
She moved through the cafe and noticed that Marco was still behind the counter, rolling dough out onto a chilled slab. He slammed it onto the counter with a strength that made her giddy. Marie felt like a high school girl again and as much as it felt silly, she felt good about it. She didn’t feel guilty for wanting this anymore. Madame Osei had somehow alleviated all of her worries and now all she felt was excitement.
Marco noticed her watching him and smiled at her from behind the counter. He moved to one of the many cases and started to pull out the plate of caramels again. He offered her another piece, though she looked at it cautiously. He laughed, knowing why she was so hesitant, “Don’t worry about Madame. She just acts strict. She’s a huge sweetheart. But don’t tell her I said that,” he said with a serious look on his face.
Marie smiled but stepped forward and took the candy from him, settling it on her tongue with a sigh. It was the strangest mix of sweet and salty and it drove her wild. If her men were half as good as her caramels, Marie was in for a treat.
Marco smiled and watched her curiously, resting his chin in his hands, “I’m guessing it went well then? You seem much more relaxed than when you first came here,” he mused.
She smiled and nodded, licking what was left of the candy off her fingers. “Oh yes. I feel so much better. I guess I just didn’t know what to expect,” she said, pulling out some money to hand it over to him, motioning toward the caramels, “Can I have some to go?”
“Of course.”
He pushed off the counter and started packing the candies up, wrapping them in pretty wax paper and handing them over to her. “Most people are like that,” he admitted with a smile. “When you explain the nature of our business, no one knows what to expect. The idea is so foreign to people. Especially since it’s all about the women.”
Marie nodded and scoffed, “Yeah. Female sexuality wasn’t really encouraged where I was from,” she said with a sigh.