Page 207 of Two Weeks of Sin
Marie nodded and cleared her throat, not sure what to say next. Luckily Madame Osei was ready. “Have you looked at our little catalogue?” she asked with an impish grin.
Marie blushed and shook her head. “I kind of wanted to choose someone on a gut feeling. It felt strange to flip through a book and judge them based on appearance.”
“You’re a purest,” Madame said with a laugh, standing. Her silk skirt pooled to the floor and for a moment Marie thought she might trip on it, but Madame Osei moved like water. “Follow me.”
Marie followed quickly, glancing back over her shoulder at all the exotic animals. “Is it safe to have all those animals running around?” She knew she should have been more alarmed than she was, but it was hard to be anything but calm and relaxed in this place. Maybe it was the incense.
Madame Osei chuckled and nodded. “Yes. They’re all wonderful. Most of them are rescues.”
“From like, he circus?”
“No, darling. People have a bad habit of biting off more than they can chew. They take these poor creatures from their homes and then when they grow bored of them, they toss them aside.”
“Well, that’s kind of you to rescue them.” There were more practical questions that Marie wanted to ask. She wanted to ask about wild animal licenses and whether or not they were trained, but practical questions escaped her in this place.
Mystique had an air of fantasy to it, and just like her dreams. It seemed unwise to ask practical questions in a place like this. The entire point of it was to lose yourself in the fantasy and Marie was more than willing to do that. So instead of pressing on with her questions, she just followed Madame Osei, trusting her completely.
“Where are we going?” Marie asked.
“We’re going to the room that is quickly going to become one of your favorites,” Madame answered with a grin.
The answer was vague, but Marie didn’t mind. She liked the feeling of nervous excitement that was bubbling in her belly. The hallway seemed impossibly long and as they passed one of the doors, Marie glanced into one of the rooms and she swore she saw a younger man laid out on a bed, a long tail curled around him and dog like ears twitching on top of his head. Marie blinked and when she did the ears and tail disappeared, making her wonder if she was crazy. Maybe all of the sights and smells were starting to make her head fuzzy.
Marie followed Madame Osei until they reached the end of the hall where a large set of heavy curtains separated the room from the hall. The dark skinned woman reached out and smiled softly as she slowly pulled the curtains back, revealing a room that seemed far too large for the warehouse.
Marie’s eyes widened as she took in what was happening. There were men all in various stages of undress. Somewhere completely naked, some wore suits, and others wore kilts. They were all beautiful in their own right and there were young men, older men, and some who seemed ageless, somehow.
Marie’s jaw fell slack and she swallowed thickly. “This is incredible.”
Madame Osei chuckled. “Most of my clients like this room.” She said, snapping
her fingers in the air.
All of the men perked up at the snap and when they rushed forward she noticed that there were also quite a few women with full breasts, soft skin, and round hips. Everyone in the room was absolutely beautiful and as Marie stood there, taking them in, she felt a sudden wave of inadequacy come over her. All of these people were so unbelievably gorgeous. Did she really belong here?
“Welcome to what most of my clients like to call the buffet.”
Marie would have laughed if she wasn’t so distracted by all of the beautiful bodies in front of her. She’d never seen so many perfect people in one place and it was all a little hard to take in at once.
“When you come here, you’re welcome to come back here with or without me. You can get to know everyone and pick your escort or escorts,” Madame explained.
Marie blushed at the thought but said nothing, her eyes still wandering the long line of gorgeous people that were displayed in front of her. They were all grinning at her and some were even posing, clearly trying to get her attention.
“Do you see anything that interests you?” Madame Osei asked.
Just as Marie was about to move on down the line, her eyes landed on a familiar face. The man had eyes the color of honey and a bright smile. His long blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and while he hadn’t been wearing a suit the first time they met, she knew who it was. Her eyes widened a little and she said his name in a breathy voice she hadn’t expected from herself.
Chapter Sixteen
Madame Osei cocked her brow and looked between them. “You two have met?”
Toby just grinned playfully at Madame Osei. “Of course not.”
Marie just stared at him, her eyes wide. “You were in my dreams.”
“That would be impossible,” Toby said with a simple smile.