Page 224 of Two Weeks of Sin
“I’m better than okay,” I whispered, pulling him closer.
“You’re lookin’ at me like you’re going to try and eat me.”
I burst out laughing and shook my head back and forth. “No, not at all. I just realized something.”
“Yeah? What is that?”
I put my forehead to his and smiled, pressing my lips to his very tenderly. “I realized just how free I am. When I’m with you I don’t have to try and be something I’m not,” I whispered. “You want me to be exactly who I am and nothing else.”
“Well, of course I do,” he murmured. “I was so enamored with you back then. When we were kids, I mean. It was because you weren’t like any of the other girls. You were wild and loud and you were always covered in dirt,” he said with a laugh. “That’s what I liked about you.”
I smiled and listened to the sweet words, my heart threatening to burst from my chest, “Really?” I asked.
I chuckled and smiled. “I used to like the way you pulled my braids and teased me. I liked that you didn’t treat me any differently from your boy friends. It was nice to feel equal.”
Ryan snorted. “I would rather have you on my team than any of the guys in the gang. You’re one of the most amazing shots I’ve ever met. And you’re the most amazing woman, by far,” he said with a grin.
I looked up into his eyes. “Can I admit something?” I whispered.
“Of course,” he said quickly, his voice taking on a serious tone. “Anything.”
“I think I’ve already fallen in love with you,” I whispered, my eyes wide.
He sucked in a breath and for a moment I was afraid he might push me out of the orb or break up with me. Honestly, though, out of those two options, I think I’d rather he just throw me out of the Ferris wheel.
His shocked expression turned to one of absolute glee and he laughed, throwing his arms around me. “I love you too!”
I just sat there for a moment, shocked by his words. “What?”
“I love you! I thought it was too soon to tell you!”
A sudden bark of laughter forced its way from my chest and I held him tight. “Of course it’s not too soon,” I whispered, kissing his face all over.
I pulled away and cupped his cheeks. “We’ve been falling in love since we were kids. If anything, we’re overdue.”
Something about that statement seemed to resonate with him. His eyes widened just a moment, and he smiled, pressing his lips to mine. My heart jumped into my throat as I returned the kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered when we parted.
“And I love you.”
We stayed there, frozen in time as the sun basked us in warmth. It was like everything fell away and all the existed or ever would exist was in his eyes. The warmth of his breath soothed my soul and we just sat there, whispering ‘I love you’ back and forth until the sun started to descend toward the horizon.
It was perfection and I never wanted the moment to end.
Chapter Twelve
We stayed in Gatlinburg for a total of three months and nearly all of that time was spent rediscovering each other. It was spent in each other’s arms, whispering loving words and just holding each other. The weeks that we spent alone in that cabin were some of the most magical I’d ever experienced.
I was absolutely head over heels in love with Ryan and nothing was going to change that. My only regret was how long I waited to finally let him in. As the third month came to an end, we got a call from Damien, saying he was going to bring us home. He couldn’t keep us out in the cabin for the rest of our lives and he was fairly certain that we’d be safe. They never managed to find much information about the men who’d tried to kill me, but they seemed to have given up their mission.
It was a relief to hear that, but at the same time I was sad that our little getaway was coming to an end. When I told Ryan this, he just assured me that soon we’d be able to start our life together back home. With that promise, I found myself more than a little excited.
We spent our last night in Gatlinburg, dancing at one of the bars. We’d stayed out far too late and danced until our legs felt like jelly, but neither of us cared. It was a perfect way to end our stay. We stumbled home together, holding onto each other and laughing so hard our sides ached.