Page 226 of Two Weeks of Sin
I found myself alone shortly after waking up from the nightmare. Ryan fought me on it. He didn't want to leave me alone, especially since I wouldn't tell him what the dream was about, but I told him to go. He said there was something very important in town that he had to pick up. I didn't want him to leave it behind because I was a mess and couldn't handle a nightmare.
He tried to get me to go to town with him, but I knew someone had to stay at the cabin. My brother was sending the trucks back in to come and collect us.
I was finishing packing up the last of our things, my mind still spinning round and round, from the nightmare. I couldn't understand why I would have that dream now that everything was alright. It made no sense. I sighed and just shook my head, picking up my bags and carrying them to the door.
A sudden knock on the door made me stop dead in my tracks. I frowned and looked at the door, setting my bags down slowly and approaching it. There was no peep hole and the shades were drawn so there was no way to see who was outside.
As I approached the door I could hear an unfamiliar voice, but before I could even begin to place it, the glass window to my right shattered. An eruption of flames blinded me and for a moment I could only stare as the Molotov cocktail rolled around on the floor, drenching everything in gasoline.
It took every ounce of strength in me not to scream. As far as they knew, I was already gone. I started to run toward the back door but discovered that it was engulfed in flames as well. There was no way I was going to be able to get out on the first floor.
Pure instinct told me to get to higher ground so I ran up the stairs, trying to escape the plume of smoke that followed me. I knew that the smoke was just as dangerous as the fire, and I held my breath as I ran.
Once I made it upstairs, I threw the bedroom door open and looked around frantically for my gun. I rifled through the closet open and checked under the bed before I remembered that I'd left it in the truck; the truck that Ryan now had.
I cursed under my breath and did my best to stay cool, even though I was panicking internally. I had to keep it in. I had to keep it quiet. The more I panicked, the more mistakes I was likely to make.
My eyes darted towards the window and after deciding that it was big enough for me to fit through, I pushed it open and climbed through onto the roof. I managed to slide down the downspout into the bushes without hurting myself and jumped up, cursing as I yanked at the branches that had snagged my shirt.
I was wearing shorts and a tank top, which had led to several open cuts on the way down. I wasn't even slightly concerned with that. I had far bigger fish to fry. I had a rival biker gang on my tail and they wanted blood.
My only way out was down the mountain and I knew it. I took off as fast as I could through the woods, my eyes fixed straight ahead. I could see the glistening asphalt just ahead, steam rising from the blacktop like a ghost. It had just rained and the smell of wet dirt was still in the air. My eyes were wide and my heart was pounding. I was so close to safety. Surely there would be someone on the busy main road!
Just as I was about to break the tree line, a sharp pain in my scalp took me by surprise. Someone had a hold of my long curls and was tugging me backwards. I screamed on instinct and struggled against the fingers that were wrapping about my hair and dragging me back toward the cabin.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a switch blade. I reached back and sliced into my hair, cutting it off. The curls fell around me and a man cursed. I didn’t stop to look and see who it was before scrambling away, trying desperately to make it to the road. Something told me that if I could get to the road, I’d be safe.
The same fingers that had wrapped themselves in my hair, wrapped around my ankle. I fell forward and hit the ground hard, suddenly paralyzed with fear. It was just like my dream. I heard a man grunt as he started to pull me back.
“Finally got you, you dumb bitch,” he hissed.
A sob was stuck in my throat, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I somehow managed to get a hold of myself and I started to scream, twisting and turning in a desperate attempt to get away, but nothing I did mattered. He was much bigger than me and this time, size won out. I turned to try and stab him but he caught my wrist with ease, twisting it until I was sure it was going to break. I screamed and the knife hit the ground.
The man, who I could now see was at least six feet tall, threw me over his shoulder and carried me back towards the cabin which was still actively ablaze. He set me down and when I looked up to scream he drew his fist back and punched my square in the nose. The blow made stars explode behind my eyes, but it didn’t knock me out.
I spit out a mouthful of blood, panting and wide eyed. He just chuckled and used my dazed state to his advantage, tying me up to a nearby tree. He somehow managed to force my legs apart and tied them down as well.
“There we go, exactly how I wanted you,” he hummed.
I was doing my best to keep the tears back and keep myself from shuddering. I was more than a little surprised to see that he was the only one around. I grit my teeth and dropped my head forward, shuddering.
“Where are the rest of you?” I whispered, venom dripping from my words.
“There are no others. They ran off after you killed the boss,” He murmured, settling on a stump across from me, looking at me thoughtfully.
My eyes widened as I took in what he was saying. If he was telling the truth, it meant that one of the most dangerous outlaw biker gangs had been taken out and I was the one to do it. That brought me some comfort at least. Maybe I was going down, but at least I’d taken these fuckers with me.
“Can’t say I feel much sympathy,” I murmured.
He stood up, the cabin blazing behind him. “Keep your mouth shut!” he snapped, stepping forward and slapping me across the face so hard my ears rang.
I spit out another mouthful of blood as he continued on his pathetic rant. “They might have just been criminals to you, but those men were my brothers! That was my family.”
“You picked a shit family,” I murmured, looking up at him, my gaze defiant. I wasn’t going to let this jerk off win. If I was going down, I was going to go down swinging.
His eyes narrowed and he closed the space between us, reaching out and gripping my jaw between his fingers. I was forced to look into his face now and I saw a man who loo
ked far older than he really was thanks to years of drugs and alcohol. His teeth had all but rotted out of his mouth and his eyes were red and hazy, while the deep wrinkles in his skin did nothing to help his aged appearance. His breath smelled rancid and it made my stomach turn, but I never broke from his gaze. I wasn’t going to give this up without a fight.