Page 238 of Two Weeks of Sin
“Are you expecting something from me? Like sex?” She crossed her arms and stood a bit taller as if challenging me. I thought for a moment what it would be like and felt an ache in my balls. It had been a while for me and if I were honest I’d love to have her beneath me, but I didn’t think she was ready for that kind of ho
“No, Sarah. Not that the idea isn’t appealing.” I let my gaze slide down her body and back to her beautiful face. “I have a business proposition for you. Something I think could benefit us both in more ways than one, if you’re interested.”
“Benefit me how?” She stepped closer, keeping her inquisitive eyes locked on mine.
“You’ll see.” I walked to the counter near her phone and scribbled down my address. “This is where I live. Can I expect you around seven?”
She thought a moment and eyed me up and down. “Are you sure this isn’t a ploy to try and get me in bed?”
“God forbid.” I let out a long breath and chuckled. “I know how awful that’d be for you.”
She responded, “It’s not that I don’t think you’re attractive.” The smile that played around the corners of my lips caused her to take pause. “Don’t let that go to your head. I’m just saying, I find you attractive, but, never mind. If you’re going to stand there smiling at me—I’m going to stop talking.” She shook her head and looked at me like she didn’t know what to do with me.
“Well? Are you going to let me cook for you or not?” I stepped closer and looked down into her eyes. They weren’t any regular blue eyes. Hers had the color of cinnamon around the edges, and her skin glowed with the warmth of blush.
“Fine. Yes. I’ll be there. But only because I’m curious about this proposition of yours.” She turned and went back to the oven and put in a tray of cupcakes that had been waiting on the counter for their turn.
“Good, because now that I know you’re attracted to me, I’d like to warm you up something and feed it to you.” I waited for the playful slap I knew was coming and luckily it landed on my arm and not across my face.
“You’re impossible.” She shook her head at me and we shared a laugh. Then she went over to the broken cooling rack and tried to tinker with it, but it was no use. She needed a new one and from what she’d told me about her luck she didn’t have money for that either.
I glanced around at the little kitchen. She really had something nice going on here. It would be a shame to let a bit of bad luck close it down. I watched her whip up another bowl of batter and the large standing mixer was almost as big as she was. She knew what she was doing too. And as I watched her nimble, dainty hands work, I couldn’t help but wonder what they’d be like on me.
“Would you hand me that bottle of vanilla?” Her voice brought me around and as I handed her the bottle, I realized I wanted to help her. I wanted to help us both. I only hoped that my plan would work.
I took forever getting myself ready for my dinner with Hunter and Angie had called halfway through my makeup. “If it’s not a date then why are you bothering with makeup? You could have gone straight over from work couldn’t you? Saved the gas?”
“I could have, but excuse me for wanting a shower after work.” My sister was taking her suggestions of saving money to extremes and she was about to drive me crazy.
“If you’re lucky, you’ll need another one when he’s through with you.” She giggled through the phone and I heard her fork scrape her plate. She’d been chewing in my ear for the past twenty minutes.
“You’re impossible. I told you this is about business. I think he’s going to suggest some kind of dual business idea or something. Maybe catering for an event he’s holding. I’m not sure how the hell that would work with bikers and cupcakes, but he said business. Whatever it is, I’m hoping it’s going to perform a miracle, after that rack went crashing to the floor today taking out my pies I cried like a baby.” It wasn’t like me to cry, but I’d been so stressed to my limits. I’d already put off hiring someone and that couldn’t go on too much longer. I couldn’t run the place all by myself.
“I know you’ve had the worst luck lately sis, but something tells me things are going to take a new course soon. Just keep your spirits high babe. And, don’t take this the wrong way. I want the best for you, but I do think you’ve put off a relationship long enough. When you find the right one, it’s like, I don’t know, an epiphany I suppose, but even then everything isn’t going to just magically fall into place.”
“I learned that today. It seems that everything was crashing to the floor. Did you know that cupcakes bounce? It’s true. One bounced its way clear to the sink and another hopped its way out the door and to the front counter.”
She whistled. “Dang, that’s impressive. I had no idea. I’m just saying to take a chance now and then, you won’t find the right one if you don’t try someone.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” I slid into my shoes and took a last turn in the mirror, then I went to get the paper with his address out of my handbag. He had nice legible handwriting for a man and I wished my own was as neat. “Do you know where Meadow Lark Lane is?”
“Sure, that’s near the club. I believe those houses are just off the golf course. Why?”
There was no way Mr. Badass Biker lived anywhere near a golf course. “This is the address he gave me.”
“Nice. He’s rich too. That’s good to know.”
“Easy, Gold-digger, he has a kid, remember?” I’d told Angie about Tani and at the time she thought it was the most adorable thing, but reminded me of the reality. She said I should take the chance with him but told me that I’d never be the only girl in his life. I thought the discussion was ridiculous and refused to discuss it further.
“Yeah, I remember. I’m just saying that maybe you should reconsider dating this one. He seems perfect.”
She had that right, but then again I had no idea what kind of proposition he had for me so I decided to head on over and find out before I jumped to any further conclusions. If there was anything I’d learned about him, it was to not to underestimate him.
I got off the phone with my sister and headed out to my car and took a moment to add the address to my GPS. Sure enough he lived out by the country club. I headed off, letting it guide me to a sight for sore eyes.