Page 247 of Two Weeks of Sin
“You want it? Tell me.”
“I want it.” Her lips crushed to mine as her warm hand gripped my bare shaft and stroked it, my cock throbbing in her hand.
“Good girl. Come for me.” I curved my fingers and pressed them firm against her g spot until she cried out with release, soaking my fingers which I pumped until the last wave of passion rolled through her.
I leaned down close to her ear. “I mean it Sarah, I’ll be faithful as part of the bargain. But don’t you ever doubt me. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”
“I know. I just didn’t know how to feel about it. It’s not really a normal relationship we have going on.”
“I understand. But I want you. Don’t forget that.” I kissed her again and we took turns washing up.
When I came out of the bathroom she was behind my desk and I had her hop up and sit in my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and admired her ring. “Do I get to keep it?”
I chuckled. “Of course, it’s yours.”
We sat there until moments later when the phone rang. Tani showed up with my Mother.
“Daddy?” Tani’s little footsteps pattered across the floor as she rounded the counter and came back to my office. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Sarah standing beside me. She smiled and her little cheeks reddened but she walked right up to Sarah and took her hand. “I’m Tani.”
“I’m Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.”
My Mother walked in behind her and extended her hand after seeing I was on the phone, but I put my lawyer on hold. “Mom, this is Sarah.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Lana.” Mom walked around and put the heavy bag into the chair across from my desk as Tani climbed up into my lap and gave me a kiss.
“How was my girl today?” I kissed her cheek and mussed up her curly hair.
“Good, Daddy. I have a paper for you to sign.”
My mother was already handing it to me and Tani laid her head on my shoulder hiding her face in the crook of my neck. She always did the same thing when she’d get a sad face at school. I glanced up at Sarah who gave me a look like my daughter was the cutest kid ever. I wondered if she had gotten in trouble for punching that Danny kid, but instead it had a smiley face sticker and said they had a field trip planned.
“You tricked me. I thought you got in trouble.” Tani giggled and ran around to give my Mom a high five. “I need to talk to grandma, so you go with Sarah to the bakery and I’ll walk over as soon as we’re done.”
“You have a real bakery?” Tani took Sarah by the hand and left me to talk to my mom about my new relationship.
Tani and I walked hand in hand to the bakery and the whole way there she had me list all the sweets I had. When we walked in, my sister Angie was chomping at the bit to leave.
“Tani, this is my sister, Angie. Angie, this is Hunter’s daughter, Tani.” Tani smiled and offered her hand which Angie took.
Angie’s eyes were wide but then she looked at me and mouthed: she’s so cute. And she wasn’t exaggerating at all. Tani was the prettiest little girl with her big blue eyes that were far more inquisitive than most children’s her age and her curly, pale blond hair that was a mess from a hard day on the playground.
She walked over and peered into the front case and then turned to me. “You weren’t kidding. You do have all that stuff in here.”
I took her by the hand and led her around back to the kitchen where I had some fresh baked cupcakes that had cooled since my time with Hunter. “How would you like to decorate your very own cupcake?” Angie stood in the door and watched as I lifted Tani up on a stool and helped her wash her hands. “We have to get our hands clean and then I’ll help you decorate it how you want.”
I helped her down from the one stool and up onto another one near the icing table where I had bags of every color icing ready to use. I showed her how to hold the bag and she took the instruction well. “It’s all about the pressure you put on the bag as you move the tip. It takes some getting used to.”
She piped out an irregular shaped heart. “Can I make one for Daddy?”
“Yes. Any kind you think he’ll like, and when you’re done we’ll take them and have them after dinner.”
Angie pulled me aside to tell me goodbye but before she left, Tani insisted on giving her the first cupcake with the heart. From the sappy look on my sister’s face I wondered if she were in love with the child as much as I was. She was a neat kid, and I was sure it was all Hunter’s doing.
I watched Tani, standing close so she didn’t take a dive on the tall stool, as she decorated three more cupcakes. “This one is for Daddy, this one is for me, and this one is for you.” My cupcake had an H and her Daddy’s had an S. “You like Daddy don’t you. The H stands for Hunter.”