Page 25 of Two Weeks of Sin
“Look, I promised her that if you happened to show up here, I’d send you packing.”
“I love her!” I had blurted it out and a bit louder than I’d expected. Everyone around us got quiet and exchanged looks.
“You what?” That grabbed her attention.
“I know, it wasn’t part of the deal, but I’ve been sick without her, and I’ve tried to get back to her, but the meetings went long, and the plane was delayed. I should have brought her with me; I should have explained, I—”
“Slow down, Chance.” She motioned to me that I needed to lower my voice. “If you love her and she’s in love with you, then what’s the problem? She’s been so upset.” She gave me a narrowed glance. “Tell me what happened.”
I explained what happened to her, leaving out the graphic detail and by the end, she was holding my hand. “Shit. She thought you didn’t care. What about all those other women?”
“I had my arrangements, yes, but I have never fallen for any of them. She’s special. I have to see her, please. Could you help me?” If I had to get on my hands and knees and kiss her feet, I would have, but after a moment with her hand to her mouth, as she quietly contemplated, she nodded.
“Okay. I’ll help you. But if this blows up in my face, I’m kicking your ass. And if you hurt her, I’m kicking your ass. Do you feel me, money bags?”
I believed her.
“Yes, thank you. You won’t regret this.”
“I told her I was right,” she said shaking her head as she went to refill a man’s coffee. She waited on a few of her other tables, refilling drinks, grabbing extra napkins, and leaving their check, and then she returned to my table.
“What did you mean by that? That you told her you were right?”
“I don’t know if you know this or not, but Carrie doesn’t believe in miracles, magic, or dreams coming true. She’s quite the doubting Thomas. The day you walked through that door, she had just said that she needed a miracle. Do you know that you were supposed to be my table, but I conceded to her because I thought that was a sign?”
I had no idea.
“You’re right. So, will you tell me where she lives?”
“Not so fast. I don’t mind helping and giving her a call, but I’m not about to give you her name and address. I’ll call her in and tell her the boss needs to see her about quitting. She’ll come in. She won’t like leaving something unresolved. That’s when you can see her. And I suggest you don’t waste any time telling her, because she’s going to be pretty pissed off at us both to see you sitting here.” She shook her head, and with a deep breath she pulled out her phone. After a moment, she met my eyes.
“She’ll be here in twenty.” She took her pen and pad and waited for me to order. I knew by the look on her face; I shouldn’t refuse.
“Bring me the waffles, two eggs on the sunny side, and juice.”
“And some maple bacon, of course?” She lifted a brow, and I nodded. “Trust me. It’s her favorite. If she tries to run screaming, you can always wave it in front of her, and she’ll follow you right home.”
She turned to go put the order in, and I sat in the booth, tapping my foot and wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans. I hadn’t been that nervous in ages. Not for anyone or any situation, but this was my last chance. If she said no, I’d have to give it up like I’d promised Nate.
My nerves only got worse as I waited, and when Lindy brought my food, I let out a long sigh. “She should be here by now.”
“Patience, she went to her dad’s home to drop off a plant. You can wait, can’t you?”
“As long as it takes.” I unwrapped my fork from the napkin covering it and dug into my waffles. The maple bacon smelled wonderful, and as soon as I had my mouth good and full, my phone rang.
I dropped my fork and answered when I saw it was Nate. “What?”
Nate seemed out of breath. “I need you to get down here, man. Proctor is on a tear, and he wants to see you. I messed up and told him you were in town.”
“Tell him I’m not. That I left. I can’t come right now!” I ducked toward the wall next to my booth and raised my voice, and when I peeked over my shoulder, Lindy was watching.
“Don’t do this to me, man. You’re the only one he deals with for a reason.” Nate’s voice was uneasy on the other end.
“Stop being a pussy and tell him to fucking wait! I don’t have time to kiss his ass right now. She’s on her way, and I’m not leaving!” I couldn’t believe this was happening, but I wasn’t going to miss her, not even for the millions at risk. I knew I could kiss them goodbye. I slammed down the phone and let out a long breath. I couldn’t believe I’d flipped out like that, but damn. Lindy walked over and refilled my juice.
“Sounds like problems in paradise.”
“If you mean the sound of me losing millions of dollars, yes. But I’m not leaving, so please tell me you really called her.”