Page 50 of Two Weeks of Sin
“The only things of yours are your toothbrush, which needed to be replaced anyway, and a t-shirt I let you sleep in a few times. But I guess it's yours now?”
Jessica was walking through the house, slowly and deliberately, pretending to look for stuff. This was just another of her tactics to get me face to face, and it worked. I was a damn fool.
“I swore I left my iPod over here.”
“When's the last time you used a damn iPod, Jess?” I asked.
She shot me a look of death. “W
hat's it matter? It's mine, so I want it back.”
“Do you? Do you really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Or is this just another story designed to get me to talk to you because you think we can work this all out and get back together?”
“Oh seriously, Sebastian,” she rolled her eyes dramatically. “Get over yourself.”
Well, I'd be more than happy to get over myself if she stopped harassing me. I was ready to move on, and it was clear as day that there was no fucking iPod anywhere in my house.
“We should get together for lunch before you leave for Bali,” she said, changing her tone entirely. “You know, just to talk some things out before you head overseas with God knows who.”
“I'm not going with anyone,” I muttered.
Which wasn't entirely true. I had Violet coming with me now, as an assistant. But Jessica wouldn't believe it and would likely just make trouble for me if I told her. So, I let it go. Not like she deserved to know. We were broken up after all. I owed her nothing.
“Sure, whatever you say,” she said, rolling her eyes again.
Jessica was a beautiful woman, there was no doubt about that. Long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a killer body – the stereotypical Southern California beauty. It's why I initially fell for her, of course. But her personality made her less and less attractive over time. The more we got to know one another, the less I cared for her. I was starting to think I might end up alone, a bachelor for life, at the rate I was going. A bit fatalistic, perhaps, but it seemed like all I had was just one failed relationship after another, and it was growing old.
Jessica stopped digging through a desk drawer for her non-existent iPod, closed it and turned toward me with a mischievous look in her eye. Licking her lips suggestively, she sidled up to me, draping her arms around my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes. The old me would have been hard in an instant, ready to take her to bed. But now? I didn't even want to be this close to her.
“So then,” she purred, “if you're not seeing anyone – ”
“No,” I said, removing her arms from around my neck. “We're not playing these games, Jessica.”
With a huff and a well-practiced pout, she turned and walked away, which I hoped meant she was leaving. I listened for the front door, hoping she'd slam it as she left, but instead, I heard her footsteps as she walked upstairs.
“Jess!” I called out to her, hurrying after her as she ascended the stairs.
She stopped and smiled at me, crooking her finger and motioning for me to follow her.
“What in the hell are you doing?” I roared.
“Figured I'd slip into something more comfortable, Sebastian. Maybe take a dip in the pool, like old times? Come on, Sebastian. One more time just for old time's sake. What can it hurt?”
Without waiting for me to answer, she walked down the hallway toward my bedroom.
“No, Jessica. We're not doing this,” I said, following her up the stairs and down the hallway. “You need to leave. You have everything you left, it's time to go. I want you out of my house. Now.”
She peered out from my bedroom with a devious look on her face. “Come on, Sebastian. Don't you want one last roll in the hay before we say goodbye? No strings attached. Scout's honor.”
Honestly? I really didn't. I really, really didn't simply because of the drama and baggage it would entail. The fact that I didn't want to sleep with her one last time said a lot about my feelings for her – and I think she realized it. As I stared at her, not taking another step closer to her, her face fell and I saw tears welling in her eyes. She could see how much I didn't want her in my face, apparently. And it crushed her. I honestly believe she thought she could lure me back with the promise of sex.
But I was done, and she knew it.
There was no turning back now.