Page 69 of Two Weeks of Sin
Picking it up, I teased, “You know, you could just walk your sexy little ass over here if you wanted to talk.”
He was quiet for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say.
“I can't be there with you, Violet. Especially with you looking like that,” he said. “It's dangerous.”
“What do you mean it's dangerous?” I said, scowling in his direction.
“Because I wouldn't be able to control myself. After the other night – ”
I knew exactly what he meant. “So don’t control yourself. We're both consenting adults, Sebastian. We did nothing wrong.”
“Violet,” he said softly. “I can't be with you that way . I just can't.”
“Why not?” I asked. “Is this about Jessica?”
Sebastian sighed, and for the first time since we'd started talking, he looked away from me.
“Well? Is it?” I pressed. “Because ever since she knocked on the door, you've been acting like a completely different person, so I assume – ”
“Yes and no, Violet,” he said, stopping me. “Yes, it does have to do with her somewhat. But not in the way you think it does. It actually got me thinking that I just can't do this to you. What about your family? Your mother? What would she think if she found out your dad's best friend was sleeping with you. Christ, I'm old enough to be your father, Violet.”
“And I don't care. About any of it,” I said. “My mom, well, she can think whatever she wants, but I'm a grown woman. I can make my own decisions. I can be with whoever I want and I don't let anybody tell me I can't.”
“I'm not sure it's that easy, Violet,” he said. “If I were anyone else, maybe so, but – ”
“But what? Sounds like maybe it's you who can't deal with the fallout, Sebastian,” I said, my blood starting to boil. “Maybe you're the one who can't handle the world knowing you're sleeping with your best friend's daughter because you're ashamed. Am I right? Does that about sum it all up?”
He didn't answer for a moment. “Listen, I didn't want to argue with you.”
“Then what did you want, Sebastian?” I asked. “Because dammit, I am tired of being treated like a child. Not just by you, but by everybody. You don't have to watch out for me, I am actually pretty capable of taking care of myself.”
“I called because I wanted to tell you that you were beautiful,” he said.
And then there was a click as he disconnected the call. I stared across the water with tears in my eyes, as he picked up his glass of champagne and went inside his bungalow, closing the door and the curtain so I couldn't see inside.
Dammit, Sebastian. Dammit all to hell.
Suddenly, the very idea of dinner didn't appeal to me at all. All I wanted in that moment was a bottle of something I could drown my sorrows in. When room service came, I put in the request for some wine, and I sat there, staring down at my food, scallops with a white wine sauce over rice and fresh asparagus, something I would have scarfed down in a heartbeat if I wasn't too busy hurting.
When the knock sounded at my door, I assumed it was room service again.
“You're fast,” I said, wiping my tears away with my hands.
I opened the door, but instead of room service, it was Sebastian. And as soon as he saw me, he pushed through the door, shut it behind him and kissed me harder than he'd ever kissed me before.
We didn't even make it to the bedroom this time. He pushed me up against the wall and pulled my bikini bottom down, dropping to his knees in front of me. Without saying a word, Sebastian started eating me out, savoring me like I was the finest, juiciest piece of fruit he'd ever put his mouth upon.
It was wrong of me and I knew I should find a way to control myself, but as I paced my room, I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way her polka dotted bikini hugged her curves, the way her perky breasts nearly burst from the top, how her hair was dripping wet and the droplets covered her bare flesh.
It was too much.
The erection was painful, and even though I'd tried to take care of it myself, it was no match for the feel of Violet's tight, wet pussy. I needed her, and her words echoed through my head.
Maybe she was right, it was me. Maybe I was the one afraid of the backlash. She said she didn't care if her mom knew about us; didn't care if anybody knew about us. Who was I to determine what I thought was best for her?
She was right, I spent so much time looking out for her that sometimes I forgot she was a grown woman who could take care of herself.