Page 56 of That Reckless Night
Before Jeremiah could lodge a defense, she’d disappeared behind her front door and the lock had slid into place. His breath plumed in frosty curls before him and his toes had begun to tingle inside his shoes. He wanted to bang on the front door and make her talk to him but he wasn’t about to make a scene in front of her son, and he couldn’t very well continue to stand there on her front stoop, hoping she returned.
So much for the grand gesture.
He sighed and reluctantly returned to his car so he could drive home. What had he expected? That she’d welcome him with open arms, listen patiently to his explanation and then wrap him in a sweet embrace so they could cuddle together? Ugh. What an idiot he’d been to spring an apology on her while she was on her own turf. From what he knew of Miranda, her son and their home were sanctuary and she didn’t let anyone sully that haven. Why he thought she’d let him, he had no clue. Temporary insanity.
Maybe this was a sign from the universe—move on. He had no business having any sort of relationship aside from a professional one with Miranda Sinclair. He had a clear and obvious opportunity to allow the severed ties to remain shredded.
But even as he justified all the reasons he and Miranda were a terrible idea, he couldn’t deny that he still wanted her. It was something he couldn’t quite fathom but it was there, pulsing like a raw wound just beneath the surface.
Damn it.
He’d have to try again. Miranda deserved that much.
But he’d give her a few days to cool off, he decided.
Already he was wishing he could simply take her into his arms and show her with his actions how sorry he was, but he knew that sort of gesture would backfire. She might even bite his lip for his attempt. In spite of his failure, a smile edged across his mouth. He’d never met a woman so filled with spirit. Her passion was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He couldn’t expect that sort of passion to have a limited application. Miranda loved, played and fought as hard as she did anything. He had to admire that kind of thirst for life, even if it promised to complicate his life in so many different ways.
He just wanted to make things right between them. Even if it meant they weren’t together. That was all he wanted.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
He ignored the cynical voice of reason and put his mind to work thinking of another way to make it up to Miranda.
* * *
MIRANDA CLOSED THE DOOR and briefly shut her eyes, unnerved by Jeremiah’s sudden appearance at her doorstep. Did he really think that by showing up with a bottle of wine all was forgiven? She glanced at the wine and noted the quality. Well, at least he had good taste. She considered pouring herself a glass but decided against it and put the bottle into the pantry instead.
“Who was at the door, Mama?” Talen asked, looking up from his homework just as she slid into her seat beside him with a smile.
“No one. Now...let’s see, where were we?” She redirected Talen back to his word problems and they spent the next half hour solving the fish dilemmas of Fisherman Frank as they added and subtracted their way to the final answers.
Finally they were finished, and as Talen was putting away his papers and books, he stopped and looked pensively at her after he’d pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pack.
“What’s up, buddy?” she asked, frowning when she saw the paper. “What’s that? Is it for me?”
“It’s a permission slip,” he said but he didn’t hand it over.
“For what?”
“A field trip.”
Miranda frowned when Talen seemed reluctant to hand it over. “Buddy, don’t you want to go? Let me see...”
Talen handed her the crumpled paper and she scanned it. Talen’s class was scheduled to visit the Petersen Bay Field Station. “Oh, this sounds fun. I remember doing the same trip when I was your age. What’s wrong?”
“All the boys are going with their dads.”
Miranda’s stomach twisted but she forced a smile. “I’ll go. Sounds like a good time. I need a day off anyway.”
“No. It’s okay,” Talen said, refusing her offer.
She stared in hurt shock. Her son had never rejected her offer of volunteering at the school before, much less attending a field trip with him. She tried not to let her hurt show. “Okay, that’s fine. I don’t have to go. But, just out of curiosity, why don’t you want me to go?”
“Mama...all the boys are bringing their dads. I don’t want to be the only boy who brings their mom. I’d rather go alone.”
“Oh.” Miranda couldn’t believe how much her son’s admission hurt. Everything was changing much too quickly for her to absorb. “I bet I can do anything those dads can do,” she promised her son. “Your mama is pretty cool.”