Page 28 of Say You'll Marry Me
What, did you expect her to stand there mooning after you?
He took a deep breath and blew it out again. She hadn’t waited for him to leave, but she had kissed him on her own, when they didn’t ‘need’ to for anyone else’s benefit. That was definitely a step ahead of yester—
“Logan. I’d like a word.”
In mid-reach for the door handle, he startled at the sound of Al Dolinski’s voice near his tailgate. He swung around as his boss stepped out from behind the back of the truck. “Geezus, Al, I didn’t know you were out here.”
“That much was apparent.”
It suddenly hit Logan, that’s where the kiss had come from. Joy must’ve known her grandfather was watching. Disappointment bit hard.
No, wait, Al knew they were only pretending to be engaged so—
Al knew, and he’d seen their kiss on the porch a moment ago. The first one wasn’t such a big deal, but the second one, Logan had pretty much been searching for Joy’s tonsils.
The older man’s tone had been as firm as his father’s used to be when he’d done something wrong, and his stomach turned over as he met Al’s gaze. The undisguised sheen of moisture in his boss’ eyes made him blink in surprise.
“Is June okay?” he asked. Stupid question. Obviously she wasn’t okay.
“She’s fine. Actually, that’s why I came out here. I wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“For what you and Joy are doing. I didn’t like the idea when she first told me, but seeing June smile at the two of you together tonight…” He paused to clear his gruff voice, and Logan felt a lump swell in his own throat. “I haven’t seen her smile like that since Joy first told us she was gettin’ hitched. It means so much to see my wife happy again.”
“It was Joy’s idea.”
“She told me. She didn’t want me thinking you were trying to take advantage or anything.”
“I wouldn’t do—”
“I know, son. You wouldn’t be working here if I didn’t respect the man I know you are.”
Damn if that didn’t hyper-activate the lump in his throat. “Thank you.”
Al gave a nod, then glanced toward the house and stepped back. “I should be getting back inside. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yes sir. Good night.” He opened his door and started to climb into the truck cab.
There was that tone again. The stern father voice. His stomach flipped once more as he gave Al his full attention.
“While I do appreciate what you’re doing, remember why you’re doing it. That good-for-nothing ex of hers broke her heart. Don’t you go doing the same.”
Logan sat on a bale in the hayloft, guitar on his lap as the first light of dawn brightened the horizon. Habit brought the instrument with him, though this morning his fingers only plucked a random note every so often.
His thoughts were too jumbled to even think about stringing together any words for a song.
Don’t break her heart.
He understood where Al’s warning came from, respected it even. After way too much thought as he tossed and turned through the night, though, he doubted there was any danger of that. Yes, there was a sizzling physical attraction between him and Joy, and now that he was ge
tting to know her, he could see why she’d been well-liked back in high school.