Page 39 of Say You'll Marry Me
“I didn’t say anything.” She helped Gram into the passenger seat, then made her way around to the driver’s door where he stood.
“You didn’t have to. If it makes you feel any better, I showered before I got in the tractor this morning, and I had the air on. You okay with that?”
Not when all she wanted to do was bury her nose in the crook of his neck and inhale as if she were an addict dying for her next fix.
“It’s fine,” she retorted, annoyed at his confrontational attitude, and her own wayward mind.
“Good.” He extended his hand, palm up. “Give me the keys. I’ll drive.”
“I got it.” She pulled the driver’s side door open, but he blocked her way, much the same as she’d done to Gram earlier.
“I’m not going to be chauffeured around in the back seat,” he said in a low voice. “I drive, or I don’t go.”
Grandma leaned over to peer at them through the open door. “A man wants to be in charge, dear. Give the boy the keys and let him drive.”
“Listen to your grandmother,” he advised.
“What is this, some chauvinistic need to go with your pride?” She slapped the keys into his hand and slammed the door after she slid into the back seat.
What the hell is his problem today?
Halfway to town, while chatting with Gram, she caught his gaze in the rearview mirror. Not a hint of warmth shone in his eyes, and his expression could’ve been carved in stone. She didn’t understand why he was so put out. He’d readily agreed to the trip last night, so it wasn’t like he hadn’t had advance warning.
A few minutes later, he made the turn onto Salvation Avenue, and she spotted Coffee To Chai For up ahead. Still hoping to avoid the pet store all together, she injected an excited note to her voice. “Carrie said she has some great cakes for us, Gram.”
“Good. I really hope you two can agree on a flavor.”
“I’m sure we will.”
Logan parked near the coffee shop and told Gram he’d be around to get her door. Joy joined him on the sidewalk before he went around. “Don’t mention the pet shop. If we’re lucky, she’ll forget about the bed, and we can go back home after this.”
He gave a brief nod and went to open the passenger door. All smiles for her grandma, he treated her like a queen as he led her inside and pulled out a chair at one of the tables. “Would you like a coffee, June? Or some tea?”
“You’re such a dear. Plain tea would be wonderful.”
“Joy? What do you want?”
She hadn’t sat yet and started toward the counter, assuming he’d follow.
“Honey.” A steely note in Logan’s voice turned her around to see him holding out a chair for her. “Have a seat and tell me what you want.”
The polite, yet clenched teeth request brought her back to the table to sit down, her back stiff as he pushed the chair in for her. “I’ll have a medium mocha cappuccino, please. Skim milk, whipped cream on top.”
She reached into her purse for her wallet when suddenly Logan’s lips were pressed to her ear. His warm breath sent a reactive shiver down her spine. To everyone else in the coffee shop—including Marv, Millie Swanson, and her husband—it probably looked like a sweet kiss from a man in love with his fiancée.
Only she heard his whispered words. “Leave your damn money where it is. I can afford a couple cups of coffee.”
Seemed anything she did today was going to offend him, though she was confused as to why. He’d assured her last night on the phone they were okay.
Then again, that was before he asked if she still loved Luke.
Was he upset because he thought she did? But what would he care? They were only acting, after all. He’d made sure to stress that fact yesterday; he’d pretend for as long as she needed him to. The make-believe part was something she sometimes forgot about, but he was more than reminding her now.
He came back after ordering, and a few minutes later, Carrie herself delivered their drink order, as well as a plate full of cake samples with three forks. The short brunette took a seat with them to go through the flavors. “How’s Sweet Pea doing, June?”
“Good. We’re picking up a new bed for my princess at Bev Donovan’s new shop after we’re done here.”
Crap. Looked like they wouldn’t be able to avoid the pet store, and that could get awkward with Mrs. Donovan.