Page 73 of Say You'll Marry Me
“This song…”
He’d gotten too close and his lips bumped the mic. Plus, his voice cracked, revealing the nerves she knew had to be eating him up inside. Her heart went out to him as he backed off, cleared his throat, and started over.
“This is for the woman who taught me that the only one that matters is the person who loves you for who you are and who you can be—even if you couldn’t see it yourself.”
Joy’s eyes widened at the words. Oh, God, did he really just say that in front of everyone?
She didn’t dare risk a glance at their friends as he began to sing his own song from the other night, the one that had choked him up until he couldn’t finish. His husky tone came through the sound system low and shaky, and simple though the music was, the guitar overpowered him.
Oh, Logan, why that one? This crowd is going to eat you alive.
After the first few lines, he closed his eyes. Joy missed the direct connection even as she noticed his voice grow stronger. The tempo was a bit faster than he’d played the other night. Nerves, she knew, but really, the faster pace still fit with the lyrics, and allowed him to get through the whole song with the powerful emotion still intact without overwhelming his performance.
When he finished to a round of applause and cheers, Tara’s awed voice came from behind her. “Holy shit, Logan can sing.”
Without even looking at her friend, Joy nodded, her heart bursting with pride.
Up on the stage, he gave the crowd a shaky smile and lifted his hand to quiet them before turning his attention back to her. “I called Kevin back. He made me an amazing offer, and I took it.”
She nodded again as moisture filled her eyes. Good for him.
“You were right about everything. My pride, the music…but most of all, that I didn’t see what I had right in front of me. Hopefully, what I have in front of me.”
A cold wave splashed over her as a murmur went through the crowd. Oh, God. What was he doing, here in front of the whole town?
Tara’s hand landed on her shoulder and squeezed. To her left, Jenny grinned.
Logan’s brown gaze held hers from up on the stage. “I told you, for you, I’d play. I’m up here because I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t care what anyone thinks, and I don’t want to pretend anything anymore at all.”
Excitement and fear warred within her.
“I knew it.” Tara’s little shove rocked her in her chair. “Go up there.”
Fear swelled. She shook her head, and Logan’s eyebrows drew together.
“I’m sorry, Joy. Please give me a second chance.”
The plea boomed through the mic. This time her friend’s shove propelled her to her feet. The entire bar seemed to wait with baited breath, and still, she couldn’t force herself to move forward. Her heart pounded so hard, and her chest was so tight, she feared she’d pass out. She’d accused him of worrying too much about everyone else, and now she was the one afraid to reach out and grab what she wanted.
Logan’s shoulders slumped a second before he lifted the guitar up over his head and turned away. She wanted to cry out to stop him, but before she could do anything, he handed off the instrument, then turned back to grab the microphone and jump off the stage. Dragging the cord behind him, he made his way past the front tables to stand in front of her.
“You once said none of this is real between us, but it’s been real from that first kiss.” He reached out and took her hand. Heat spread through her body as he placed her palm over his pounding heart. “This is real. The way I want you is real. Something this real can’t be faked.”
A ray of hope began to shine through the fear. Each word he spoke came through the sound system loud and clear for everyone to hear. No hesitation or waver. He really didn’t care about anyone judging him at this point.
“It’s been a hell of a week,” he said with the slightest hint of a smile.
She nodded, turning her hand to twine her fingers with his. His grip tightened for a moment, then relaxed.
“Let’s do this again. You and me, for real, one hundred percent.”
Murmurs rose up again. She cast a quick glance around their table to find all their friends grinning at the two of them. When she turned back to Logan, his gaze searched hers for the answer. He dropped his attention to the microphone, switched it off, then blindly handed it off to the side while returning his brown gaze to hers.
Dana grabbed the mic from his hand, and he tugged Joy closer with their joined hands.
“I’m not going anywhere, Joy. I’m keeping my job at the ranch and staying here in Redemption.” His hard swallow reached her ears as he leaned even closer. “I still want to do this for June, but more so because I love you. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you that first morning up in my hayloft.”
The three words had been spoken to her before, but she realized she’d always been the one to say them first. In every relationship. This felt different, and not only because of those three little words that meant so much. From the very beginning, everything between them had resonated to the very depths of her soul.