Page 24 of Run To Rome
Shaking off the strange feeling, he jammed his hat on his head. “Let's go.”
He led her back in the direction they'd come, careful to retrace their steps, but at the same time, not use the same route. Most especially, he wanted to give the accident scene a wide berth.
After about a minute, she clutched his arm. “Why are you going this way?”
“I parked near the station.”
“We can't go back there,” she protested when he continued forward.
“We don't have much of a choice.”
“But it's not safe!”
“Now you realize that.”
She let go of his arm and stopped. Trent turned around to find her glaring at him, fists propped on her hips.
“Don't be a jerk again.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on one foot. “Listen, I don't like the thought of it either, but unfortunately, I've only got two vehicles. One's by the police station, and the other is in my garage, full of bullet holes. Which one would you rather take to Milan?”
She pressed her lips into a thin line and stalked past him. Trent shook his head as he caught up. She still didn't trust him. After he'd saved her butt twice already. What the hell would it take?
About ten minutes later, he put a hand on her arm as they reached an intersection. “The station is down that way about two blocks. I’m parked on the other side a couple streets away, so we'll have to go around.”
She remained silent, following his lead without resistance or comment. Finally. When he looked down and caught a look of exhaustion on her face, he was reminded of the fact that she wouldn’t have had any sleep since landing in the country.
A twinge of sympathy increased his step. The poor girl still had a long night ahead of her once she reached the consulate. And God knew she had to be worried sick about her brother and sister.
He breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his car a few minutes later. "This is it," he said as he dug his keys from his pocket.
She slumped against the passenger side of the Mercedes while he unlocked the door and opened it for her. She straightened,
then stepped back with a soft gasp, staring over his shoulder. A quick glance located the reason for her alarm and gave him his own jolt.
Three intersections away, a police car turned onto their street and slowly drove toward them. They had no time to run. Nowhere to hide.
Trent stepped closer to Halli, grasped both her arms and hauled her against him. He brought his mouth down on hers, betting the cop would ignore a passionate kiss and keep on driving. A hell of a gamble, but their only option.
Wide blue eyes staring into his, Halli made a sound of protest deep in her throat. She fought against his tight embrace, but Trent knew it had to look authentic. He moved his lips over hers, trying to communicate his intentions with his eyes. If she'd just relax—
Her foot jammed into his shin.
“Stop it.”
“Let me go!”
“Just kiss me.”
“No way—”
“Kiss me before I get arrested for assault,” he growled against her mouth. “Or have you forgotten about the damn cops?”
She stopped struggling and her eyes closed. Finally, the little idiot had figured it out.
Trent felt her body relax by degrees, enough that he loosened his arms and rubbed his hands over her back for full visual effect. Her head tilted a little to the right. Her lips softened. Her arms stole up around his neck.
Going into the kiss, he had every intention of keeping it an act. No tongue, all show. Keep his eyes open and once the cop passed, they'd be on their way. But her lips parted ever so slightly with a soft little sigh, and details began to register in his adrenaline-high brain. Her curves molded along his body, soft breasts crushed to his chest, slim hips snug against his.