Page 79 of Run To Rome
Somewhere in the other room, a clock ticked off the minutes until Simone’s return. Lost in his own thoughts, Trent let Halli and Rachel’s quiet conversation flow over him. Simone had pushed the kitchen table up against the wall earlier, and Rachel rested her head back, eyes closed. He saw Halli look down at her hands. A further glance took in her blood-stained clothes and she deposited the camera next to him on the counter before murmuring she was going to make use of Simone’s offer to clean up.
As she walked down the hall, he wished the phone would ring and dreaded it at the same time. More than anything he wanted to give Halli confirmation that her brother was alive. If only he could take her in his arms and promise everything would be okay. Take the burden off her shoulders. Bring a smile to her face. Make her laugh again.
If only life were as simple as wishing.
He wished he’d gotten the chance to meet her under different circumstances. Wished his brother were still alive. Wished he’d never asked his friend to help him, that Lorenzo would walk through the door, and that he didn’t have to tell Simone the man she loved was dead.
Full of restless energy, Trent wandered into another room in search of that infernal ticking clock to see how much longer before Simone returned. The sound of the shower shut off, and about ten minutes later he heard the door open in the hall.
e felt Halli’s presence beside him where he’d braced his arms against the back of Simone’s sofa.
She laid a hand on his forearm, gave a soft squeeze. “You have to tell her.”
His hands fisted in tension as much from her touch as from her words. “I know.”
“If there’s any way I can help…”
The urge to hold her, to draw strength from her, overpowered all else. He turned and pulled her close, wrapped his arms around her slim frame. She stiffened for a moment before relaxing against his chest, her arms folded between them.
Fresh from the shower, she smelled like heaven. A distant part of him recognized he was digging himself in too deep where she was concerned, but he came alive with her body against his. She was the one bright spot in the darkness. Shifting position, he spread his feet so that when he leaned back against the sofa she stood between his legs.
His pulse sped up, making his heart thud in his chest, directly beneath her cheek. He loosened his hold and she eased back a few inches, palms flattened against his chest. When she lifted her gaze, he was lost.
“Just you being here will help, Halli.”
Cradling her face between his hands, he reveled in the silky slide of her damp hair against his fingertips. Her lashes drifted closed as his mouth covered hers. He took his time exploring her soft, sweet lips, watching the wondrous expression on her face as he did so. His kiss pleased her.
Her breath did that little catch, unleashing a sliver of the morning’s desire into his veins. She pressed closer, the invitation of her parted lips irresistible and the perfect incentive to close his eyes. As he savored the kiss with his other senses heightened, he acknowledged he could get used to kissing her on a regular basis.
“Figlio della putan!”
The violent Italian curse hit Trent like a bucket of ice water. He jerked his mouth free of Halli’s to find Simone standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. Her beautiful face twisted with rage.
In her trembling hands gleamed a gun.
Chapter 16
Careful not to make a sudden movement, Trent stepped forward and maneuvered Halli behind him. She resisted. Teeth clamped hard in frustration, he tried to push her back with one hand while extending the other toward Simone and the gun. Tears filled the Italian woman’s eyes and streaked down her face.
“Bastardo! How dare you come here and ask for my help after what you did,” she accused.
Lorenzo. She could be talking about nothing else. Now he recognized the grief mixed with her anger. “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you right away, I just didn’t want it to be a shock. If you put down the gun, we can talk about this.”
“I will talk to you about nothing.”
“Simone, per favore…put the gun away.”
“So you can kill me, too? I do not think so.”
“He considered you his friend. How could you?” Her voice broke at the end.
“What are you talking about?” The confused question came from Halli. “Trent didn’t do anything.”