Page 10 of Heiress on the Run
‘Great. Once I have that, I’ll put together a tentative itinerary and email it to you for your approval.’
‘You’ll need a laptop,’ Dominic realised, belatedly.
‘No need.’ Pulling a tablet computer from her bag, she waved it at him. ‘I use this.’
He blinked at her. ‘Well, great. Okay then.’
‘Next, do you have any background details on the clients themselves? Their lives, their families, their businesses, anything that I can use to get to know them?’
‘You do realise you’re a tour guide, not a dating service, right? You don’t need to find them their perfect match.’
Her face turned stony, and he regretted the joke. She was trying to do a good job, after all. He should be encouraging her, not ridiculing her.
‘These people are a long way from home for almost two whole weeks. It’s my job to make sure they enjoy themselves and feel comfortable here. Knowing a little about them makes that easier. I’ll talk to them myself when they arrive, of course, but a little forward knowledge would mean I can get going sooner.’
‘Of course,’ Dominic said contritely. ‘Well, their businesses I can tell you about. But, as for the rest of it...’ He spread his hands out. ‘Katarina used to handle that sort of thing, I’m afraid.’
* * *
Faith paused with her mini cinnamon swirl halfway to her mouth. Katarina. That was a new name. ‘Is Katarina your secretary?’ If so, she could call and ask her for all the gossip.
‘No. Not my secretary.’ Dominic shifted in his chair, looking sorry he’d ever mentioned the woman. Not a secretary. Then...
‘Your wife?’
He sighed, and reached for the coffee. ‘My ex-fiancée, actually. But, more pertinently, she runs the company we usually use for this sort of thing.’
‘But not this time,’ Faith said.
‘No. Not this time.’
‘Because you split up.’
Dominic gave her an exasperated look. ‘Can’t you ever take a hint to stop asking questions?’
Faith shrugged unapologetically. ‘I like to know exactly where I stand with things. Makes life a lot less complicated.’
‘Well, she doesn’t matter any more. She’s gone. You’re here now to take her place,’ Dominic said, entirely matter-of-fact.
Faith felt a peculiar squirming feeling in her stomach. ‘As a tour guide. Not as your fiancée.’
Dominic looked up, appalled. ‘That goes without saying!’
Faith flushed. ‘You don’t have to be quite so horrified at the prospect,’ she muttered.
‘Right. No. I just meant...’ He sighed. ‘This is a business arrangement, for both of us. Katarina...she’s out of the picture now, and I’m afraid you can’t really call her for insights on our guests.’
Now, that was interesting. Surely the woman would have an assistant or something that Faith could call for some notes. For Dominic to be so certain she wouldn’t help, something pretty dramatic had to have happened between them.
‘Bad break up?’ she asked.
‘The worst,’ Dominic groaned, and for the first time since she’d met him in that airport bar he seemed human. Normal. As if he had actual emotions and feelings, rather than a sensor that told him when to be disapproving of something.
‘Want to talk about it?’ she asked.
‘Not even a little bit.’ He didn’t leave any room for discussion.
Oh well. Human moment over.
‘Okay, well, if you can’t tell me about them as people, you must be able to tell me why they’re here. What’s the very important business you have with them?’
Dominic leaned back in his chair. ‘I’m looking to expand the activities and operations we have running on the Beresford estate. We’re considering buying up some neighbouring land to build on, as well as utilising the Beresford family’s London properties.’
In which case, Faith thought, they’d be one of the only aristocratic families to actually increase their family estates in generations. ‘So these guys are your investors?’
Dominic nodded. ‘Potential investors. But also potential clients. They want to see what we have on offer, and possibly use Beresford Hall in the future for international corporate retreats.’
‘Okay, that helps. Now, they’ve visited London before, right? I don’t suppose you’ve got a record of what they’ve seen and done...?’ Dominic winced. ‘No. Of course not.’
Faith sighed. Looked as if she was doing this the hard way. In which case, she really needed a kick-ass outfit to give her confidence.
‘Okay, since you can’t actually give me any practical help to do my job—’