Page 36 of Princely Passions
“You’ve been giving it up to someone else after kicking me out, slut?” he asks me with a sneer. “After all the time I put in, you’re spreading your legs for someone else? Fuck that, I’m taking what’s owed to me.”
I recoil in fear. He looks at me and smirks. But not the infuriatingly cute smirk of Derrick. This is a cruel smirk, filled with malice and spite. His arm tightens around me and it hurts!
"Don’t resist, or else say goodbye to that sexy body of yours, Alicia," Jake hisses at me. I look into his eyes and for the first time I see a deep reservoir of anger, poison and hate. How could I miss this side of him for so long?
This is a deserted stretch of road. I wonder even if it's worth calling out for help.
You want to know where I was last night don't you? You want to know who His Royal Highness, with his 11-inch cock was fucking after he left the condo? It's in your head and you're trying to picture to yourself that slut that I was ravishing.
I was with a Princess all right. Her name is Princess of the Sea.
That's right. I went to the marina. To my fucking sailboat.
I'm seriously going fucking mental sitting here, staring at Daphne. I'm buying her presents, for fuck's sake.
But don't you fucking dare tell her where I've been off to, or we’ll have some fucking words. Now fuck off about why I sat there, looking at the stars, drinking scotch on my sailboat. Don't ever ask me about it again.
Besides, I need to clear my fucking head of Daphne and that was the only place to do it. It wasn’t even a whole fucking day of us living in the same apartment and I can’t get the thought of peeling her tightly clinging sundress off her gorgeous body and licking those massive fucking tits of hers. Of squeezing that fucking gorgeous ass. Of bending her over and sticking my cock deep into her. And when she starts talking to me, telling me about that fucking ex-boyfriend of hers or just conversing with me? When I find out there’s a brain inside of her head? That’s when I finally lost it.
I'm playing with fucking fire here – cavorting around with a stripper. We're looking at a scandal the size that's pretty much fucking incomprehensible.
Seeing Daphne in those black yoga pants and blue sports bra this morning has got the blood rushing to my cock like nothing else. I consider going and taking a shower and doing something about it.
But something catches my eye. Daphne, in her rush to avoid embarrassment, has forgotten to take her the panic key that Pressly gave her yesterday. A panic key is something that our security has given us. No matter where we are, as long as we're in the perimeter, anything happens, you push the panic alarm. Whether you tripped and fell, someone's trying to rob you, or you see a cat that's up in a tree, you push the panic alarm when you want security to come down.
She should have never left it.
Don't look at me like that. I'm not fucking chasing her. Besides, she couldn’t have gone far and knowing her, I’m betting she headed downtown than through the Park – she’s probably going to run by her fucking apartment to pick up some stuff.
I shru
g to myself and grab the key, walking out the condo and into the elevator.
Besides, what the fuck kind of host would I be if I let something happened to her?
Which, considering her embarrassment, may already have happened.
Besides, I'm grinning at the thought of seeing the most innocent stripper I’ve ever met blushing uncontrollably when she sees me again, after she got caught dropping her nipple clamp.
I knew she'd love it.
But seriously, Daphne must be fucking new to stripping or something. I’ve never seen a more wholesome and innocent woman in my life. A normal stripper, she’d be all over me right now – fucking shucking off her clothes and climbing on my cock before she even moved in. She’d be doing the nastiest things to me after I rescued that boy who fell off the boat.
Daphne – it’s like she’s grown up around real princes and princesses.
Fuck, she acts more royal than me.
I'm on the bike, driving down 6th Avenue, looking at the sidewalk seeing if I can find her. Yeah, it's a fucking long shot. But my head is so fucking confused right now that the drive will do me good even if I don’t find her. Finding that nipple clamp this morning was intense. My cock stiffened so fucking fast I thought I was going to rip my boxer briefs.
A mile in, I see something that causes me to stop.
I see Daphne in the distance. And it looks like there's a black SUV that's pulled up on the side of the road. And a bloke that’s yelling and frothing at the fucking mouth and grabbing her by the arm and throat. There’s no one else on the sidewalk nearby and I see that fucker grab her and pulls her off into the side street.
I pull out my phone and speed dial Pressly.