Page 40 of Under the Stars
“Where’s Molly tonight?” He glances at me, and I assume it’s the reason he thinks I’m so antsy.
“I don’t know. I texted her a few times, but she hasn’t responded.” I think back to her moment after our meeting with Candi this afternoon. “I hope she’s in her room, but she doesn’t tell me much these days.”
The crowds grow thicker as we approach the line of bars around Pike and Pine Streets. Mark pulls me to him when we see the sign for our destination.
“You go in alone and see if you can find him. I’ll switch on the receiver and hang back out of sight. Don’t be afraid. I’ll never be too far to save you.”
He’s big enough to make good on that promise against anyone now. His reason for bulking up warms my insides. My hero…
Everything is different from the night so long ago when he tried to save me from the darkness. We were brutally separated that night, and the memory of how it went down makes me hesitant to leave him.
The biggest thug wins…
My eyes are huge, but I step away from him, into the unknown. A shudder passes through my stomach, and I count my steps as I approach the garishly decorated club.
A familiar voice makes me jump. “Lucy!” Looking up, I see Joshua trotting from the alley to me. He’s wearing a vintage sharkskin suit, and his hair is now silver.
He stops in front of me, looking around. “You alone tonight?”
“Uh, yeah,” I glance at the clump of kids hanging in the alley where he was just standing. “Is Molly with you?”
“Who?” His brow creases.
“I mean… Maggie.” I am seriously fucking up the aliases on this job.
His eyes narrow a bit, and I know he’s onto us. “Haven’t seen her since the Redwood. Is that why you’re here? Are you looking for her? I can keep an eye out—”
“No. I actually… I was going to go ahead and talk to Brisbee if he’s around.”
“Oh, yeah! He’s right inside.” Joshua’s eyes sparkle, and he starts for the door.
My stomach twists, and my feet seem to be rooted to the spot. I can’t seem to go forward, insecurity blanketing me in waves. I’m not sure if I can do this. I try making myself go, internally commanding my feet to move, when someone bumps into me from behind, and I stumble forward. I look back to see another skinny kid in jeans and a beanie smoking a cigarette.
“Sorry.” He staggers toward the alley, and I’m irritated at his clumsiness. But it worked. It got me moving.
Mark is with me…
He’s never too far to save me…
I can do this. I’m not alone. Who knows? I might even get him to say something on the record, and we can send him to jail.
If I’m brave enough to go through with something like that.
One time, a long time ago, Roland told me I was wicked brave. I’ve never felt brave a day in my life, but having Jilly compels me to do what I know is right. It keeps my feet moving forward, if only to try and rid the world of one more abusive scumbag.
Joshua holds the door, and I go inside. The club is noisy and packed, and a live band is getting ready to play.
“The Hep Cats,” Joshua shouts at me, and I frown.
“The band. They’re called the Hep Cats. They’re pretty good.”
My eyebrows flicker up, and I nod, trying to seem like I care. The truth is my mind is focused on one thing, and it’s twisting my insides into painful knots.
“There he is!” Joshua holds out a hand, and I see Gavin through the crowd.
He’s dressed more casually than when he met with Molly, but it only makes him seem taller, more intimidating. I need a drink.