Page 51 of Under the Stars
“You know me.” He steps closer, so close Jilly’s back is against his chest. “You’ve known me all your life. I have always been there for you, through everything.” My own eyes heat, and I blink up to see the heartbreak in his. “Haven’t I?”
We stand here, and all the memories flash across my mind.
Being a teenager and being in love with him.
Him teaching me to kiss, encouraging me to sing.
His fury when I fell; his fury when I told him my bargain with Gavin.
Him slipping Rohypnol into the Sazerac to save me.
Him nursing me back to my feet after I was hurt.
Hiding me in his home and covering up my crime.
Finding Freddie to carry us away from this nightmare like a handsome prince in some fairytale.
Treating Jillian like she’s his own daughter…
A tear spills onto my cheek, and I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Roland. I don’t know what to say.”
His arms are around me at once, around both of us. He places his hand on Jilly’s back and turns me so we’re not squishing her. She doesn’t fuss. She’s so used to the two of us showering her with love and affection.
“You’ve been through so much, my love.” My head is against his chin, and he gives me one more squeeze before releasing me.
“I feel like I don’t know who to trust, I don’t know when it’s all going to end.”
“Mark is determined to end this, and if anyone can do it… Well, you can. I saw you do it with my own eyes. Gavin had better watch his step.”
He grins, but I don’t want to think about what I did. “I don’t even remember that night.”
“I do, and trust me. You are fierce. Wicked brave.”
Jilly’s head lifts and she looks at him, at me. Her blue eyes are so big, and I sniff before laughing. “She’s never seen us fight.”
“Give me my girl.” He holds out his hands, and she immediately leans into him.
I let her go, and he bounces her against his chest. “Mommy was a bit out of sorts, darling. You have to be patient with her. She hasn’t had it as easy as you.”
I roll my eyes, dropping onto the couch. “You spoil her so bad.”
“Back to what I was saying before all this recent unpleasantness.” He does a little wave as if to sweep it all away. “I’m going to talk to Bill tonight. As long as you’re here, I want to do another concert. The crowd loved it last time.”
“I don’t know. I don’t really feel like singing—”
“You do and you will. It’s the only time I get to play my old songs.” He carries Jilly to the kitchen. “We can do a mix of standards and Roland Desjardin originals. Do you know ‘Big Spender’? ‘The Man I Love’?”
Taking a deep breath, I exhale loudly. “Yes.”
Movement at the front door causes my eyes to flicker up. They key turns in the lock, and when it opens Mark is here. All my paranoia and anxiety melts away when our eyes meet.
He smiles, toeing off his boots. “How are my girls?”
I’m about to answer when my stomach growls, and I notice the large white bag in his hand emitting the most amazing aroma. “What did you bring us?”
“They’ve gone legit.” He holds up the bag with a teasing frown. “I only hope it’s still as good.”
“Petit Monjou is your secret poboy kitchen? They’re the best!”