Page 65 of Under the Stars
I slide my hand over Jilly’s back, speaking low in Lara’s ear. “Armand just told me Landry’s address.”
Wide eyes blink up to mine. “You’re going there?”
“I’m walking out the door as soon as you go back onstage.”
She grabs my arm. “You can’t go alone.”
“I’m going alone.”
Roland trots up beside us. “I didn’t know we scheduled a break there.”
Lara’s lips press together, and she glances down. “I… needed to get a sip of water.”
“Well, come on. We’ve got to stay on schedule or the natives get restless.”
He starts to go, but I catch his arm. “Would you mind if I borrow your car?”
Shock flickers in his eyes, and he glances between the two of us. “You’re not staying?”
“I need to run an errand before we leave tomorrow.” I’m doing my best to infuse my voice with calm—nothing to worry about here.
“Sure. Fill the tank.” He winks, and I do a little nod at the joke.
Lara scans the area around us, and her hand remains on my arm. Jillian sucks her little finger as she watches me. “You can’t go. You’ll raise suspicion. He’ll call Gavin, and our advantage will be gone—”
“Stop.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “I’ll only ask him some questions. I won’t give him any indication we’re tracking him or how much we know—”
“I won’t be able to sing.” Her whisper breaks. She’s breathing fast, and I recognize this panic. “What if something happens to you? What if he—”
“Hey…” I trace my thumbs along the tops of her cheeks. I look into her eyes and give her a gentle smile. “Don’t you trust me by now?”
“No,” she shakes her head, blinking rapidly. “You have a temper. You’ll fight. If something happens to you—”
“Nothing is going to happen to me.” I’m tense, but I won’t let her see it. “I’m a big bad detective now. He can’t hurt me. It’ll get back to my superiors.”
“These guys know how to get rid of bodies.”
Roland plays notes on the piano. It’s her cue to head back to the stage, and Evie steps up to take Jillian out of her arms. Lara kisses the baby quickly before handing her over and holding both my hands.
“I’m going with you.”
“You’re going up there to finish your set.”
“Mark!” Her eyes flash, but her expression is so scared.
“Listen to me.” My jaw is tight, and as much as I love her—because I love her—my tone is sharp. “I gave in to you earlier because the situation directly involved you. What happened with Landry is about me, not you, and you’re not coming with me. You’re going to sing with Roland, finish your set, and I’ll be at the house before you get back tonight.”
She gazes into my eyes. She’s always trusted me since that night on the catwalk, and I’m asking a lot of her now.
Still, she nods, swallowing her fear. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“I’m sorry to miss the rest of your show.” Leaning down, I kiss her cheek, careful not to smudge her makeup. “I love your voice.”
“I love you.”
Before I go, I kiss my baby girl, telling Evie I’ll meet her back at the house. Fear isn’t my strongest emotion right now. Anticipation, adrenaline, expectation… These are the feelings surging in my veins.
I’m ready to face him. I want to look him in the eye and let him know I’m better than he is. I’m not in Gavin’s pocket anymore, because I got away from the lies, the corruption. I’m more than a police officer now; I’m a detective. I’m one of the good guys—No, I’m the good guy who’s going to bring his crooked ass to justice…