Page 12 of Make You Mine
Pastor Stemple drones on about a man and a cow, and I think he’s trying to make a point about God’s will for our lives. It’s the same sermon he gave last year at graduation time, and I didn’t understand it then either.
It’s the special Sunday morning graduation service and at the end, they’ll give us all new Bibles with our names stamped on the front and warn us against the evils of drunkenness, premarital sex, and paying too much attention to our professors. They want us to get our degrees, but they don’t want us coming back with a bunch of wild ideas.
All I know is after last night, I’m having a hard time keeping my thoughts pure. Every time I shift in my seat, I feel where Gray was inside me, and my stomach does a flip. I’m dying slowly with the fear I won’t see him again before he leaves today.
Danny surprised me by showing up for church, even though he smells like a liquor store. Ruby is flat out sleeping with her head on her mother’s shoulder in front of us.
“And when it came time to end the cow’s life, he saw that it was God’s will all along.” Pastor’s voice descends the scale as he says the words. “Let us pray.”
My best friend snorts, lets out a yip, and jumps awake in her seat. Ruby’s mom is a pincher, and I have to bend forward and hold my nose to keep from laughing.
A long prayer, the seniors all file forward to collect our shiny white Bibles, and we’re released. Danny and I walk out onto the lawn separating the small sanctuary from the twin fellowship hall.
“Miracles never cease,” I tease, turning to my brother as we wait for all the old ladies to appear. “I did not expect to see you in church this morning.”
“I’m about to go to war, Andrea.” Danny likes to use my full name when he’s acting superior. “I’d like to be on everybody’s good side.”
“Including God’s?”
Just then, Leslie Grant steps out of the sanctuary, and her green eyes fix on my brother in his navy suit. I guess he looks handsome… for my brother.
“Liar,” I step forward and lower my voice, acting like I’m straightening his tie. “You wanted to see Leslie one more time.”
Whiskey is on his breath, and he looks over my shoulder. “If I have to go to this old lady lunch, maybe I can get some dessert after.”
“Ew.” I’m about to say something, but my jaw drops.
Gray walks up dressed in a navy suit as well. His dark hair is messy, slightly damp on the ends. He’s sexy as fuck, and when our eyes meet, I don’t care about anything else. I want to kiss him.
“There he is.” Danny steps away, leaving me to restart my heart. “Hey, man, thanks for coming.”
“Won’t turn down a free lunch.” He only glances at my brother before turning that killer smile on me. “Good morning, Drew, you look very pretty today.”
My face heats right up, but Danny punches his shoulder. “Quit being a suck up. Come on.”
I look down at my white dress. It’s pretty basic, sleeveless with a giant yellow flower design all over it. It’s my new favorite dress.
Gray waits for me, and when we file into the open hall, everyone starts clapping. A banner in the back reads “Good luck, Daniel,” and weirdly, I almost start to cry.
“Why, Grayson, Ralph didn’t say he’d invited you.” Mrs. Stern hurries forward to meet us looking flustered. “We have to change the sign.”
“It’s okay. Danny invited me.” Gray’s voice is so strong and confident. I want to smack Ralph’s mom for acting like he’s intruding.
“I guess this is the last we’ll see of you.” Pastor Stemple places a hand on Gray’s arm, and a knot forms in my throat.
“I don’t know.” Gray shakes the older man’s extended hand.
“What?” The pastor only seems partly surprised. “I figured now that you have your degree, you’d head back east, to your own people.”
My brow tightens with anger. Why the hell would he do that? Gray’s lived here all his life. God, I hate this small town sometimes.
“I haven’t had much contact with them since—”
“Still, it’s more jobs, more opportunities.”
I can’t take it anymore. “Gray, can you help me in the kitchen? I think Mrs. B needs something.”
Confused eyes meet mine, but the pastor releases him. “That’s all right. You’re a good man. Good luck to you.”