Page 91 of Make You Mine
“He seems to be very excited about the job.”
With the tip of his finger, he touches the side of my nose. “Ned says for you not to let it bother you.”
I reach up and slide my finger over my temple. “Tanya says you’d better watch your back.”
He kisses my lips, and I take the keys. “I was thinking about Friday. It feels so far away.”
“Yeah?” He follows me slowly to where my dad’s old car is parked.
“Maybe you could come over for dinner one night this week… Maybe Wednesday?”
His brow furrows, and he drops his chin. When he looks up at me, his blue eyes are so round, so sexy. “With your dad?”
Reaching out, I slide the hair off his forehead with my finger. I just had to touch him. “If he makes it downstairs, which I’m hoping he does.”
I’ve got the prescription bag in my car. Fingers crossed.
“I think I need to talk to you first.” He looks so pained. I remember how he said he’d hurt me earlier, and my heartbeat picks up.
“Okay…” I think about it more. “Maybe we can have our date on Wednesday, then.”
He shrugs. “Don’t you go to prayer meeting?”
“I can skip a week.”
“Always a bad influence.” The anxiety in his eyes softens, and a little bubble of happiness pops in my stomach.
“The worst.” I step forward and hold his cheek, kissing him out in the parking lot where everyone can see. I really don’t care.
Warm hands cover my waist, but he only holds me a moment before pulling back. “Wednesday.”
“What about Wednesday?” That familiar old voice causes me to spin around. “Grayson? Are you planning to attend prayer meeting?”
Ralph’s mother is standing in front of us, frowning down like the witch from The Wizard of Oz. Miss Gulch.
“No!” I answer too fast.
It’s ridiculous. I’m not a child. This woman doesn’t scare me anymore. Her black eyes narrow like a crow, and a trickle of doubt moves through me.
“No? Is there something more important than learning to be the best version of yourself? Sacrificing your time to the lord?”
“Gray and I have other plans.” I straighten my back, defiant. If anyone made him feel like an outsider, it was this woman. I’m proud to be seen with him.
“Hi, Mrs. Stern. I haven’t seen you since I got back in town.” Gray’s manner is so cool, it bolsters my confidence.
“I need an oil change.” She almost seems sorry to admit it. “Ralph told me you’d reopened the garage.”
“Isn’t it interesting how we actually need certain businesses?” I don’t even try to hide the tone in my voice.
“Ralph also said you asked him out last Friday.” She turns those beady eyes on me. “Back in my day, women didn’t ask men on dates, but I guess that’s neither here nor there.”
“I didn’t want to eat alone.” I sense Gray listening to my reply. “Ralph wanted to tell me about his almonds.”
The old woman squares her shoulders. “He planted ten acres of trees last month. It’s a bold move. Very entrepreneurial. I’m glad to see people in this town being more appreciative.”
“He’s very enthusiastic. I hope it works out for him.”
“It’s very kind of you to say that.” Her smile is as off-putting as her frown. “I’ll be sure and tell him.”