Page 12 of A Kade Christmas
I closed my eyes, feeling a ball of tension start to unfold inside my chest.
It’d been there for a while, ever since we found out what my dad had done, but we hadn’t known who then. It didn’t matter. It took me away from her, and it felt like forever since I had been on the same page with her. I knew something was up, but she didn’t want to talk about it last night.
I hadn’t pushed.
Now, though. Now our time was done. Everyone would want to know everything, and I didn’t want to do that. It was our secret, ours—no one else’s. It ceased just being yours when you shared that information, and I wanted to whisk Taylor off.
I wanted to get in the vehicle and drive all the way back to Boston.
I could technically do it.
Nate was here. We could call in favors or just let James deal with his fuck-up.
I was so tempted to do it, let someone else deal with the shit for once.
I pulled Taylor into my chest. My head was buried in the crook of her neck and shoulder, and my arms were wrapped tightly around her. I felt her start to tremble, and her hands slid up the front of my chest, taking hold, forming fists in my shirt. “Logan.” She turned her head, her whisper coming out in a rasp next to my ear.
She almost sounded agonized. Her body kept trembling, and without thinking, I smoothed a hand up her back, going to cup the back of her neck.
Whatever it was would be all right.
I loved her. It didn’t matter—“I’m pregnant.”
My phone was ringing. The clock showed that it was five-thirty in the morning.
I was going to kill my brother.
Grabbing it on the second ring, right as Taylor started to move around, I meant to decline.
A second later, Mason’s voice came from my nightstand, “Logan?”
I growled but hurried out of bed, taking the phone with me. “Shh.”
The boys had wanted to stay in the room with us last night, and both were on the bed.
I paused, staring at them for a second. Usually, Natty liked to be on the bed while Matty was content to be on the floor. He didn’t like our feet moving around. Both usually left with whoever was up first. Taylor had an evening shift, so I was the first up, but my god, I was hoping to get back to bed. I had another hour I could rest.
This morning, though, neither of the boys moved. Both remained right where they were. I had moved so Natty moved to stretch out where I’d been, but they watched me as I left.
Okay then.
I pulled the door closed and went to the guest bathroom, then hit speakerphone as I closed the door. “Why the fuck are you calling at five in the morning?”
I stood over the toilet as Mason answered, “Uh—” He laughed. “Gonna admit that I forgot that normal people don’t get up at this time of the day. Sorry. Wait—”
I started pissing.
“Are you pissing right now?”
“You woke me up. Deal with it.” I let it flow. Be free, pee. Be free. “What do you want?”
“Christmas is coming up—”
I finished pissing.
Mason paused, then continued as I flushed, “James sent me an email last night inviting us out there.”
“Nope.” I went to wash my hands.
“I know, but shut up. Let me finish. I’m not calling because of that. I’m calling because he never asks us out there. I think something’s up.”
I paused, right before turning the sink back off, and then grabbed the towel. “Last time he had issues, it was with his business.”
“He never asked us for a holiday for that.”
I was starting to get a bad feeling in my gut. “I don’t like this.”
“Me neither, but a heads-up, I guess. Anyways, since you actually answered, Sam wants to do Christmas the day after my game.”
“You play on Christmas, right?”
“Yeah, and Sam’s heading to the game. She’s thinking of inviting Nate and Quincey.”
I was nodding and remembered he couldn’t see me. “Cool, cool. That sounds good to me.”
“Can you guys bring the meat?”
“Sure.” I grabbed up the phone again. “Is this really the reason you called? A heads-up at five in the morning because something might be up with James? And to ask about Christmas Day meat?”
He laughed. “I’m really sorry. Nash is sick, so I’ve been up since four.”
I groaned. “Love you, brother, but I’m done with this call. I want to hold my woman for another hour.”
“Love you. Bye—”
I ended the call and checked my volume levels before heading back into the bedroom.
I caught a glimpse of Taylor’s ring. She didn’t like taking it off, not yet, and any dread I had washed away. Honestly, fuck any worries because right here, this morning, in this room, I had everything I needed.