Page 30 of A Kade Christmas
She started to reach down, but I got there first. “I got him.”
Her head jerked around, flustered. “Oh. Thank you. I mean,” she grimaced. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.”
I took both leashes, and she hurried back to the plane.
Matty saw the SUV and Matteo, both of his favorites, so I let his leash go. He took off like a bullet.
Natty had paused, back on the ground, two legs extended out and his other front two paws up and twisted. He had crazy eyes, but he was watching me, his tongue hanging off to the side of his mouth.
I knelt, putting the harness back on him. Snapping my fingers, “Up.”
He stood up, panting, and I knelt to pull the leg through his loop. He kissed me, running his tongue up my face from chin to forehead. He panted and did it again.
I grunted, “Lunatic.” I stood, holding the leash. “Should’ve been named Loony.”
He had no comment.
Matteo was shaking his head, laughing as I walked back with Natty.
The back door was open, and Matty was sitting perfectly, right behind the front passenger seat.
“His dogs are nuts.”
“Uh. Isn’t that why he picked them?”
I laughed. “Logan’s soul dogs. I should buy him an alpaca as payback for Christmas next year.”
“If you do, you need to do two. They die from loneliness.”
“Even better.”
We were in the SUV and pulling away from the plane.
Matteo glanced over. “You know he’ll just give it to Nate somehow. Nova will see those things and fall in love. So you’re really gifting Nate two alpacas.”
I grimaced. “Maybe I’ll hold off.”
“I heard Mark’s coming today too?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“What’s going on with them, anyway? He and that girl still together?”
I shook my head. “I have no idea. Sam talks to Mark, but he doesn’t talk about his woman at all. From when I was here earlier, I think Malinda is trying to like her.”
He whistled. “Mark should just cut ties, make a start with someone new. They don’t have kids?”
“As far as Mark knows.” It was meant as a joke, but considering the earlier reason for my visit…
Matteo grunted, “True.”
We talked about our teams, teammates, but nothing specific. General stuff.
Matteo was closer to Nate and Logan, but he and I were on good terms. It really was good to see him. He was family. Then we arrived, and as soon as we parked and I opened the door, an excited but shrill scream came from the house.
Matteo started laughing. “Everyone’s awake.”
“Merry Kade Christmas.”
The front door burst open, and two of my kids came running down. Maddy was chill, hanging out in the doorway, and she raised a glass of what had better be hot chocolate in a salute to me.
Then she saw Matty and Natty.
Kade Christmas ensued.
I saw Matty and Natty and started bawling. Hormones.
Logan whispered, hugging me, “Surprise!”
Matteo was there. Logan was happy, jumping on him later. The SBC-er chant was heard throughout the day, but not by them. Maddy heard about it and taught the twins. Then, when Heather and Channing came over, the rest of their kids heard about it too. It was a whole choral piece with altos, sopranos, and someone tried for a bass. It didn’t work.
Quincey and Nate arrived halfway through the day. Nova was in tow, along with the rest of their family too.
It was an entire event.
The older kids had settled in the corner, going over their presents and their phones. The rest played with Quincey and Nate’s youngest, who was starting to crawl. Nova got wind of alpacas somewhere and wouldn’t leave Uncle Mason’s lap, asking about the alpacas.
Natty was loving life, on a continuous loop going from one person to the next, giving kisses. Licks. Asking for pets. His tail never stopped moving. That dog would be exhausted for three days after today, but Matty knew better. He had snuggled onto my lap, his head on my leg, and I was petting him.
I was content watching everyone. I was seeing life, love, and hearing laughter.
I was watching happiness.
Then a hush came over the group.
Goose bumps rose, covering my arms, and one by one, all eyes turned my way.
“What?” I sat up straighter. Matty readjusted but didn’t leave my lap.
Sam was blinking away tears.
Heather had a hand over her mouth.
Maddy gasped. “Holy shi—”
“Sorry, Dad.”
And then I saw as Logan came around the corner. He was holding an ornament in one hand and a sparkler in the other. It was lit, which sent some of the adults in a frenzy, grabbing their kids out of the way.
Logan ignored them, coming my way.
I still couldn’t move. Matty was dug in. He wasn’t budging, but he moved his head to watch his dad’s approach.
“What are you doing?” I asked, but then I saw what was inside the ornament. It was a ring. Another ring. “Logan.”