Page 51 of Master of Comus
Jake followed her, his hands in his pockets, a frown on his face. He drove the rest of the way in moody silence. When they reached her aunt's home, Jake stopped the car and leaned back, staring at nothing.
'We're here,' Leonie said with an attempt at light-
'Is your marriage a farce?' he asked abruptly, turning to look at her.
She flushed, then paled. 'I'm not answering questions like that, Jake.'
'You don't have to. I know the answer. Your eyes give you away, you know.' He took hold of her hands and held them tightly. 'Leonie, come to me. I think I love you. I think I could teach you to love me, and I wouldn't be as blind to your rare sweetness of character as Paul seems to be. I would make you happy. When you've divorced Paul we could marry, live here in England.'
She was on the point of tears. 'You're very kind, Jake. I'm deeply touched. But no, it's impossible...'
Then suddenly they both saw someone standing beside the car, watching them with a menacing scowl.
Leonie withdrew her hands from Jake's grasp, her face turning scarlet under Paul's accusing eyes. Jake sat immovably, staring at Paul, their eyes clashing.
Leonie scrambled out of the car and faced Paul. 'What are you doing here?'
'Strange as it may seem, looking for my wife,' he bit out. 'Argon rang to tell me you were coming here, and I arrived yesterday. You didn't show up.' His blue eyes flashed at Jake. 'I gather I may guess why.'
She did not reply, her eyes dropping nervously away from the anger in his glance.
Jake had got out of the car now. He moved towards Leonie, his face anxious. 'Don't look so frightened, my sweet. He shan't hurt you while I'm here...'
Paul lunged like a sleek golden tiger, his fist swinging at Jake's chin. The next moment Jake was flat on his back with an astonished expression. Leonie gave a gasp of horror.
'Paul, you shouldn't have done that!' She knelt beside Jake. 'Are you all right?'
Jake ignored her, rising to his feet, his hand rubbing his chin. 'You caught me off guard that time, you bastard! Just try and do it again.'
Paul's face was taut with anger. 'Get into the house, Leonie,' he said tightly. 'Tennyson, come round into the garden where we won't have so many witnesses.'
'No!' Leonie cried desperately. A wave of swimming heat rose inside her head. She felt as if she were drowning in the clear waters of the Aegean, the thundering of the waves in her ears, the taste of the salt on her lips.
Jake looked round in alarm as she swayed. He caught her as she fell, holding her gently against his body.
'Get away from her!' Paul snapped, snatching her out of Jake's arms.
'She's as white as a ghost,' Jake said anxiously.
'Go into the house and get them to ring for a doctor,' Paul ordered. 'I'll carry my wife indoors.
For a moment the two men's eyes fought a duel over her limp body, then Jake reluctantly moved away.
Leonie recovered consciousness as Paul gently laid her on a bed in one of her aunt's demure little bedrooms.
She lay, her lids fluttering weakly, staring at the ceiling. Paul stood watching her in moody silence, the sunlight gilding his butter-gold hair.
Her glance shifted to him. Her brows jerked together. 'Paul...' She remembered what had happened and tried to sit up. 'Jake? What happened? You didn't hurt him?'
'No, I didn't hurt your lover,' Paul bit out scathingly. 'You saved him when you fainted.'
She quivered. 'He isn't my lover ...'
'Not yet? Never mind, it won't be long,' Paul said in a tone that made her feel sick.
There was a tap at the door, and a man came into the room. Leonie recognised him as her aunt's doctor. He smiled at her comfortingly. 'Well, my dear, how are you? Fainting, I hear? That can't be allowed, you know.' He glanced at Paul. 'She's only been married a few months, I understand. Is that the answer, I wonder?'
Paul's look of incomprehension was succeeded by a look of absolute amazement. He shot a narrow- eyed glance at Leonie, who was crimson and trembling against her pillow.