Page 53 of Master of Comus
Just as she thought she would faint again, he lifted his mouth and looked at her, smoothing back a stray lock of hair from her flushed forehead.
'Why did you never let me see it before?' he demanded with the bright triumph of the conqueror. 'Why did you keep me in suspense all these weeks?'
'I thought you loved Diane,' she murmured, half laughing, half sighing. 'How could I have guessed you loved me? You didn't want to marry me. You were furious when Argon suggested it.'
'Of course I was furious,' Paul said with an echo of that anger. 'I was already falling for you then— I started to fall the very first day, on the plane to Comus. You were so defiant yet so sweet. How could I help being attracted? Each time we saw each other I fell faster. Then Argon dropped his bombshell. I was humiliated by what he said in front of you, but to have a marriage suggested, when I was already thinking that marriage to a girl like you might not be so bad after all ... that rubbed my pride raw. I knew it would ruin everything if we married by arrangement.'
She remembered vividly her own contempt for him because he was prepared to accept such a marriage. 'Then why did you agree?' she asked in bewilderment.
Paul's mouth twisted sardonically. 'How could I not? Once Argon had made the suggestion, any attempt I made to get close to you would seem to you like a devious method of doing as Argon wanted. I couldn't have made love to you without you suspecting my motives. I was faced with no alternative. So I married you, hoping that in time we could grow closer. Why do you think I took you off to that shepherd's hut? I needed time alone with you, time to coax you into regarding me with less contempt.' He grinned at her. 'And then you sprained that damned ankle of yours and we had to leave.'
'You were so horrid in Paris,' she said reproach- fully.
'My dear girl, I was terrified of Jake. I've known him for years. I know every expression on his face. I saw the way he looked at you, I saw the smile in your eyes as you looked at him.'
'You were jealous,' she murmured, her mouth dimpling.
He punched her chin. 'Yes, madam, I was as jealous as hell. Everything between us was so delicately balanced. I knew by then that you were warm and loving, capable of passion. I knew you were ready to fall in love.'
'Oh, did you?' she asked, raising her chin defiantly.
He grinned. 'Have you forgotten the way you behaved when y
ou were tipsy? Believe me, I had a hard time that night. I was very tempted to make love to you.'
She looked at him through her lashes. 'As you did later?'
His face sobered. 'Do you hate me for what happened that night? I was driven by devils I couldn't control; jealous of Jake, afraid he would steal you away from me, longing to make love to you ... I thought that by forcing the situation I might somehow resolve it,' He grimaced. 'I suppose I was slightly drunk. I had a mad notion that once I'd made love to you, everything would be perfect, that you would realise you loved me and we would be happy ever after.'
'It could have been,' she whispered, her face pink. 'But next morning you were so different.'
'I was horrified by what I'd done, I was too much of a coward to face you, so I ran away...'
'Oh, Paul,' she half laughed, half sobbed. 'Paul, dearest...'
He bent his head and they kissed softly.
'But Diane,' she said, as they drew apart. 'You haven't said anything about her.'
He looked at her in astonishment. 'My dear girl, you can't have believed I was in love with Diane?
What on earth put that lunatic idea into your head? The woman is a monster! I've always been sorry for poor old George married to her, but for his sake I try to keep her happy. Of course, she likes to pretend that all George's friends are in love with her, but in fact none of us can bear the sight of her.'
Leonie was silent from sheer incredulity. They stared at each other, then Paul laughed aloud.
'Don't you believe me?' 'She's so beautiful!'
'So are tigresses, but no sane man gets into a cage with one!'
'Paul,' she sighed happily. 'Paul, we must get back to Greece at once ...'
He stared at her in surprise. 'Why the hurry? The doctor said you must rest.'
'I want to see Argon's face when we tell him about the baby,' she said joyfully.
Paul smiled slowly. The sunlight from the window fell across his smooth golden head turning it into a halo of splendour above his handsome face. Leonie's eyes caressed him adoringly.
'Oh, Paul, I love you,' she whispered.