Page 20 of A Wild Affair
He gave a wrenched, angry sigh. 'I'm sorry.'
'Stop saying that, you don't mean it!'
'Why would I say it if I didn't?' he asked in that low, weary voice. She felt him right behind her and before she could stiffen and move away he had brushed his lips lightly over her exposed nape. 'I am sorry, Quincy, believe it or not as you choose,' he said, then walked away towards the door.
Quincy watched the slow tired movements of his body. He had his sheepskin jacket over his arm and she sensed that his muscles were only just obeying him. Now that the fevered need inside him had stopped driving him, he was back in his state of blind exhaustion.
'You'd better stay the night,' she said almost crossly, and he stopped and looked round at her, surprise in his face.
'You can sleep on the couch,' she said. 'I'll get you some blankets.'
'Sure?' Joe asked, but he was already retracing his steps.
'Yes, I'll catch Lilli before she comes in here—you'll be able to sleep undisturbed.'
He sank down on the couch, lying full length, his eyes closing, the lashes sinking on to his strong brown cheeks. By the time Quincy got back with two spare blankets, he was asleep, his head turned sideways against a cushion, his arm flung up to guard his eyes from the light. Quincy stood looking down at him, a queer little pain inside her chest, a jab of tenderness for him that hurt. Gently she covered him with the blankets and he stirred briefly, mumbling, without opening his eyes.
She walked to the door and switched off the light, then went out, shutting the door behind her. She was going into the bedroom when Lilli let herself in at the front door and halted, surprise in her face.
'Still up? I expected you to be in bed by now. Quin, I'm sorry about tonight, honestly. Rehearsals just went on and on, I thought I'd never get away. Mark wouldn't give up until he had something approaching what he wanted.'
'It doesn't matter,' Quincy assured her, and, as her sister went to walk past, stepped into her path, shaking her head. 'Don't go into the sitting-room, Joe Aldonez is asleep on our couch.'
Lilli stared at her with disbelief, her eyes rounding. 'What did you say?'
'Joe Aldonez is asleep on our couch,' said Quincy, knowing she had flushed.
'That was what I thought you said,' Lilli told her, taking her arm and pulling her into the bedroom. She shut the door and turned to stare at Quincy. 'Am I going to get an explanation, or do I just guess?' she asked, and there was something strange in her face.
Quincy stared, baffled, for a second, then hot colour rushed up her face. 'You don't think… well… Lilli!'
'Coherent, aren't you?' said Lilli, starting to laugh and relaxing a little at the stammered words. 'So you and Mr Aldonez haven't been making whoopee on my couch?'
'No!' Quincy snapped angrily, refusing to remember the hectic lovemaking which had begun and would probably have gone on until now if she hadn't pulled herself together.
'Then what's he doing here?'
'He was so tired,' Quincy explained. 'His tour was exhausting and he walked out on the final party. I think he came here because they wouldn't think of looking for him here…'
'They?' asked Lilli, looking puzzled.
Quincy shrugged. 'The people who run his life— men like Billy Griffith, his manager. From what Joe said to me he rarely has any time to himself, he works far too hard. Suddenly he was sick of it all, and he bolted.'
Lilli studied her curiously. 'To you,' she said in a very soft, thoughtful voice.
'What?' Quincy tried to look blank and baffled, but her lips curved in a little smile. Joe had come to find her and she couldn't help feeling a stab of pleasure in the thought.
Her sister was watching her. 'What's going on between you two?' she asked. 'Joe Aldonez is a top star, he must be worth millions. Why should he come to you to find a bolthole? I thought you barely knew him, have you been holding out on me, Quincy?'
'Of course not!' denied Quincy, but her eyes did not quite meet her sister's.
'Life's full of surprises,' Lilli murmured. 'I thought I knew you right through to your backbone, but it just shows—you should never take anyone at face value.'
'I don't know what you're talking about,' Quincy said crossly. 'Have you eaten, or would you like me to get you some supper?'
'Mark took us out,' said Lilli, her face changing. 'He bought us a late supper at a fish restaurant near the river.' Laughter filled her eyes. 'He was brave enough to have lobster—I hope he doesn't have trouble getting to sleep.'
'What did you have?' Quincy asked.