Page 40 of Desert Barbarian
She looked down, biting her lip. 'It's possible, isn't it?'
'This Peter?'
She shrugged. 'Possibly.'
'For God's sake, Marie,' he exploded, 'either you're involved with him or you aren't. Make yourself clear.'
She was blazingly angry with him for using her as a shield in one of his business deals. Her pride and her feelings were both hurt. At least, she thought bitterly, she could retrieve her pride by lying to him.
'All right,' she said stiffly, 'I don't want Peter to think I'm involved with you.'
For a moment Stonor didn't move. Then he said grimly, 'That's a pity. Because I'm going to need your cooperation.'
'Who do you think you are, riding roughshod over other people's lives in this way? Why on earth should I help you?'
He made a shrugging movement and gave a stifled groan, his free hand rising to his bandaged shoulder. She was anxious, moving to help him. He waved her away with a grim face.
Marie drew back, watching him, seeing the new whiteness in his lean face. 'Oh, very well,' she said wearily. 'I'll try to see the King.'
'You'll need an excuse,' he said. 'You can't just walk in there and demand that he visit me.'
'I'll be discreet,' she promised irritably.
'What will you say?' he demanded.
'Leave it to me,' she said, turning towards the door.
'Thank you for the fruit,' he called as she opened it.
She looked back angrily. Stonor grinned at her and lifted one hand in farewell, and she closed the door with a bang.
The receptionist watched her walk back and grinned at her. 'Did he bite your head off too? You look as though you've had a bad time in there.'
'He's impossible!' Marie said with feeling. 'I suppose being one of the richest men in the world makes him above ordinary human customs like courtesy.'
The nurse's eyes widened. 'Is he really one of the richest men in the world?'
'Oh, yes,' Marie said with a shrug. 'Didn't you know? He's a multi-millionaire. But he's travelling incognito.'
'What is he doing in Jedhpur?' the nurse asked.
Marie made a little fluttering movement with her hands. 'He came to see me,' she confessed, looking down with a little smile. Then she walked out, feeling the nurse's eyes on her back with intense curiosity.
Having sown the first seed of her plan, she got Rahaib to drive her to the palace and asked to see the Princess Aissa. She sent in a note, reminding the Princess that she was the governess of Mrs Cunningham's little boy. Aziz's plan to bring the two of them together had not yet been fulfilled, but Marie was sure the Princess would see her.
After a wait of half an hour, she was conducted down endless marble corridors to a beautifully furnished ro
om where she found the Princess seated on a silk-cushioned couch. Slight, graceful and dark-eyed, the Princess gave her a friendly smile, holding out her coral-tipped fingers.
'Miss Brinton? Aziz has told me about you. I am so pleased to meet you. I would have arranged a meeting before today, but I have been away on a visit and have just returned. Please be seated. Will you take tea?'
'Thank you,' said Marie, seating herself on a low silk-upholstered stool next to the table.
The Princess clapped her hands, and a plump woman in blue silk hurried through the door and bowed.
'Tea,' the Princess commanded.
A few moments later the woman returned with the large silver tea tray. She poured tea for them both, handed a plate of tiny sweetmeats to Marie, and was then dismissed by Princess Aissa.