Page 19 of Follow a Stranger
Pallas was still at the school, and no one seemed aware of
any trouble concerning her.
Had Miss Carter persuaded her brother to leave her at
school? Or had he changed his mind last night, after all?
Puzzled, anxious and uneasy, Kate waited all day, but when
she left that afternoon she had still heard nothing.
As she turned out of the drive she heard a voice calling her
name, and looked round in surprise.
The sleek black car was drawn up at the kerb and Marc
Lillitos was leaning out of the window.
“I want a word with you,” he said brusquely. “Get in.”
Despite all her good intentions, she stiffened resentfully.
Who did he think he was? His tone was as arrogant as ever.
“I’m sorry,” she said coldly, “I’m in a hurry.”
His grey eyes were sardonic. “Then it will be quicker to go
by car,” he pointed out, opening the passenger door for her.
“I prefer to walk,” she said, turning away.
The door slammed and suddenly he was beside her, taking
her elbow in fingers which gripped painfully. “Don’t be
ridiculous! I want to talk to you.”
“Are you kidnapping me?” she asked, her eyes flashing.
“Let go of my arm—you’re hurting me! How dare you? Just
because you’re a millionaire it doesn’t give you the right to
order me around.”
He stared down at her, eyes amused. “What a little spitfire
you are, aren’t you?” he murmured. “Come, must I go down
on my knees to you before you will consent to get into the
car? Be reasonable, Miss Caulfield. Let me drive you home so
that we can talk quietly without causing a scene.”
She looked around and saw several passers-by halting,