Page 34 of Follow a Stranger
She glared at him. “Well, you’ve got what you wanted.
Now go away!”
He flipped his eyebrow. “Have I?” he retorted
“Do you know what I want, I wonder?”
She did not stop to examine this question too closely, but
replied to it as though it were quite straightforward. “You
wanted us to come to Kianthos. We’re coming. You always
get what you want, I suppose?”
He grinned, his hands in his pockets lazily. “Quite often. I
am taking the night flight to Greece, but I will see you at
Kianthos in two weeks. Give my regards to Sam.” He smiled
again and left.
Kate walked restlessly round the familiar room, feeling
most unfamiliar to herself.
It was ridiculous to be so nervous about a fort night’s
holiday. She loved Peter, didn’t she? Of course she did. So
why should she be anxious about spending time with Marc
I’m behaving irrationally, she told herself crossly The
truth is that I’ve been influenced by the aura of glamour
which surrounds him. He’s rich, good-looking, charming, and
I’ve never met anyone like him before. But those are surface
things. Underneath I’m still the same person. I still feel as I
always did about Peter.
She halted, staring out of the window. A blackbird was
singing his evening challenge from the top of the garden
shed The lilac trees were already showing fat green buds. It
would soon be full spring. Daffodils were breaking out of
their sheaths into frilly yellow under the hedge and there