Page 56 of Follow a Stranger
Trembling, she turned them palm up, and heard his
breath drawn in explosively. “Good God!” he exclaimed.
They were scraped and bloody, one deep gash at the base
of her thumb, grass stains on the raw fingers.
“I wanted to see that Peter was comfortable,” she
muttered nervously.
“And I suppose he had you working with him up there?”
he asked tautly. “Digging and scraping like a mole all day?
Why didn’t he see you safely down to the car? He must
realise how dangerous that climb can be—or doesn’t he
“He was very busy,” she said. “If I’d asked him to come
with me he would have done, but I didn’t ask ...”
“He’s a selfish, irresponsible idiot!” Marc commented
savagely. “No decent man would let his woman make a
climb like that!”
“I’m not his woman,” she snapped back, “I’m his fiancée.
But the relationship is one of shared independence, not
slavery! He’s not a cave man, and I’m not in need of
His grey eyes stormed at her furiously, the handsome
features suddenly rigid and dangerous. “You make love
sound like mild friendship. Is that all there is between you
two? That isn’t love as I know it!”
Something twisted inside her, she lowered her eyes. “I’m
sure it isn’t,” she said in a brittle voice.
His hands grabbed her shoulders, the curled fingers
biting into her. For a second she was frozen with panic,
then he released her with a thickly drawn breath, turned,