Page 44 of Angel of Death
‘I gather I have the rest of the week off, starting work on Monday,’ Miranda said.
‘Yes. We have a party of Americans arriving this Sunday, though, so you may be called upon to tra
nslate for them. But Milo’s English is fluent, and so long as he isn’t otherwise occupied, he can cope with any problems that come up.’
‘He seems to do a dozen jobs! Watching him this morning I felt I should be starting work at once, not taking the rest of the week off.’
Pan laughed. ‘No need! Milo could run this place single-handed if he needed to. He has worked here for years and has done almost every job – even the cooking! If we’re short of staff in one job Milo can take over if necessary. He’s wonderful.’
‘How old is he? It’s difficult to tell.’
‘He’s in his fifties, but, as you say, he carries his age very well.’
‘Is he married?’
‘He was, once, to a lovely woman, I can still remember her smile and her great big eyes, she was always so kind – but Silvana died when I was about ten. She worked here, too. They had a staff bungalow in the grounds. Milo still lives there.’
‘Did they have children?’
‘Yes, two boys – one of them is in medical school in New York, and the other is an athlete. He’s in America, too, training at some sports camp.’
‘Milo must miss them.’
‘Yes, but he is ambitious for them, he wants them to be very successful and that means leaving home. He’s very logical, he accepts that they have to go away.’
‘He’s promised to help me learn Greek.’
Pandora laughed. ‘He has amazing patience. He trained me to work here, I have the highest respect for him. Milo is one of our family.’
‘Really? Related to you?’
‘Not in blood, but in every other way. He was my father’s best friend, and now he’s very close to my . . .’ She stopped abruptly, looking out of the window. ‘Oh! Who’s that?’
Miranda looked out, too, but could only see some children running ahead of an elegant woman in a black bikini over which she wore a black and poppy-red pareo, floating and filmy, falling to her mid-thigh.
‘That woman? I’ve no idea. She must be a guest.’
‘Yes – beautiful, isn’t she? I’m sure she’s an actress, I think I’ve seen her in Greek films.’
‘Does Greece have a big film industry?’ asked Miranda, rather surprised.
‘Not really, but nobody else makes films in Greek so we have to make some ourselves. We have American films, with subtitles, or dubbed into Greek, of course. And a lot of Greeks can speak pretty good English.’
Pandora pulled a sheet of paper down from the table next to her bed. ‘This is a list of what you’ll have to do in the office. Read it and then ask me about anything you’re worried about.’
Miranda ran her eye down the list. ‘No, it all seems pretty straightforward.’
Pandora leaned back, yawning. ‘I’m sorry, I’m still sleepy, despite having slept so much since we arrived.’
‘That’s probably a good idea. Travelling is exhausting.’
‘Yes, I was beginning to get worried about feeling so weak.’ A brightness showed in her eyes, the brilliance of unshed tears. ‘I’m terrified of losing this baby, the way I did the others, of course.’
‘Of course,’ said Miranda, watching her with sympathy. It must be a nightmare to be in that position.
‘Charles and I want children so badly. It’s unfair that I can’t have them as easily as other women do. Every time I lose one I feel so useless. No, it’s more than that – I feel cursed.’
Miranda didn’t know what to say. How did you comfort someone you barely knew? Huskily, she muttered, ‘Well, if you stay in bed this time, with any luck everything will be fine.’